Global Health Office Bi-Weekly Bulletin
Global Health News

September 23, 2014

Global Health News

Global Health Day 2014

Sept 23, 2014. 3:30 - 5 pm. The Global Health Office invites you to join us for our annual Global Health Day open house. This event focuses on research initiatives and education programs in Global Health at Dalhousie University, and provides students, faculty and the community an opportunity to highlight their global health experience. There will be a poster exhibit and an opportunity to interact with others engaged in global health.

CH&E Seminar Series

Sept. 23, 2014 at 12:30 pm, Centre for Clinical Research, CH&E Classroom #409 5790 University Avenue. Environmental Health Risk Factors: The risk of disease and injury in the built and natural environments and the role of government in protecting health.

2nd Annual National Forum on Patient Experience

Dates: Sept 23 & 24, 3014. Toronto, ON. Join national and international thought leaders to source best practices, lessons learned and proven strategies. Be prepared to implement, sustain and continuously improve on your patient experience vision.

Moving forward: Pathways to 'Culturally Competent' Practice with African Canadians

September 24 -27, 2014 Dartmouth, NS. Join the Nova Scotia Association of Black Social Workers in celebrating their 35th anniversary at this conference.

Aging Well Photo Contest

Submission deadline: Sept 26, 2014. Community Links invites photo submissions for its Year of Ageing Well 2015 Calendar. Community Links invites photos that include older adults and depict some aspect of ageing well, like active living, social interaction and community involvement.

Dr. Danielle Martin on Transforming Health Care

Date: Sept. 30, 2014 @ 5-7pm Location: Spatz Theatre, Citadel High School, 1855 Trollope St., Halifax Transforming Health Care: Three Big Ideas Last spring, Dr. Danielle Martin took on a U.S. Senate committee and defended Canada's health care system. While igniting pride from coast to coast, Dr. Martin also acknowledged that our health care system still has a long way to go. Come to this free public lecture to hear Dr. Martin's three big ideas on how we can improve the health care system for every Canadian.

Pink Day and Respect Campaign

Wear pink September 30th to promote respect at Dalhousie and join community activities planned on all Dalhousie campuses!

MSF Walk Without Borders Challenge

Sept 15 - Oct 30, 2014. Savings lives one step at a time 2014. On September 15, sign up and show your solidarity with MSF patients all over the world who walk long distances to access lifesaving medical treatment.

Call for Applications: Advocates in Global Health Certificate (Halifax / Saint John)

Application Deadline: October 3, 2014. Orientation Session: October 15, 2014 (TBC). This certificate program is open to all students in the Faculties of Medicine, the Health Professions and Dentistry. With leadership and guidance from the Global Health Office, students will fulfill self-directed program modules over up to two years.

CH&E Seminar Series

Oct 7, 2014 @ 12:30 pm. Centre for Clinical Research, CH&E Classroom #409. Title: Healthcare Knowledge Management: Translating Clinical Guidelines as Point-of-care Decision Support Systems. Speaker: Syed Sibte Raza Abidi, PhD, Professor of Computer Science, Director of Health Informatics, Faculty of Computer Science, Dalhousie University

In Whose Backyard: Organizing Against Environmental Racism in Nova Scotia

October 7 at 5:30pm. Dalhousie Student Union building. The ENRICH Project and NSPIRG will be hosting an evening to discuss history and research around environmental injustices in Nova Scotia. "In Whose Backyard?" is the name for a series of workshops bringing together members of Mi’kmaq and African Nova Scotian communities to discuss how they have been and are currently being affected by nearby toxic industries and locally unwanted land uses.

MSF Recruitment Information Session

Oct 8, 2014 @ 7pm. QEII Hospital - Infirmary site, Royal Bank Theatre. The skills you have are the skills we need!

Research Integrity: Are you conducting your research responsibly?

Oct 21, 2014 @ 12 - 1 pm. Halifax Tupper Theatre A; DMNB rm 102. Research Skills Training Program With: Drs. Mark Filaggi and Catherine Connors

2014 International Conference on Residency Education

Dates: October 23 – 25, 2014 Location: Toronto, Ontario The International Conference on Residency Education is a global forum for those involved in residency education to share ideas, challenges, innovations, and advance training.

AFMC Charles Boelen International Social Accountability Award

Nomination Deadline: Oct 31, 2014. The nomination, including 1 copy of all documentation, should be sent to the AFMC at This new AFMC award aims to celebrate people or organizations whose professional accomplishments are an example of the principles of social accountability implemented as defined in the Global Consensus for Social Accountability of Medical Schools and in internationally recognized references.

2014 Canadian Conference on Global Health

Nov 2-4, 2014. Westin Hotel, Ottawa. The theme, Partnerships for Global Health, aims to develop and strengthen partnerships both within, between and amongst countries and across institutions, sectors and disciplines and will examine partnerships from a variety of perspectives.

Health Systems Strengthening: Improving Governance and Ensuring Equity

Dates: November 5-9, 2014. Location: Ottawa, Canada. The course is designed to provide a platform for analysis and dialogue to interpret the dynamic social trends and their influence on the evolution of global health and health systems strengthening. This multidisciplinary course is intended for a wide audience, including health development practitioners, health and development donors, civil society representatives, students and mid-level government officials working in the area of global health.

Call for Applications: Local Global Health Elective (Halifax / Saint John)

Application Deadline: Nov 7, 2014. Are you a Med 1 or Med 2 student looking for a Global Health elective in Canada? We’re looking for students who want to learn more about Global Health issues at home to participate in this unique elective. The Local Global Health Elective is a half-year elective which complements clinical placements with community and social service organization placements.

Advancing Global Health: Education, Building and Supporting

Date: Nov 10, 2014. Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York, NY. This will be a one-day conference that focuses on: Building sustainable global partnerships, Global health and medical education.

Food Secure Canada's 8th National Assembly

Dates: Nov 13-16, 2014 Halifax, NS Hosted by Food Action Research Centre (FoodARC), the Atlantic Canadian Organic Regional Network (ACORN) ​with support from the NS Food Security Network. Join us for 3 days of plenaries, workshops, meetings and more with food leaders, thinkers and doers from coast to coast to coast.

Call for Abstracts: Pathways to Resilience III

Submission Deadline: November 15, 2014. The Pathways to Resilience III Call for Papers requires all abstracts to be submitted through the conference website. Authors may be named on up to two (2) separate abstract submissions. Abstract submissions must indicate which of the following they are being submitted for: Paper presentations, Facilitated discussion and brief presentation, Poster (for display).

Indigenous Health Conference

Dates: Nov 20 & 21, 2014. University of Toronto Conference Centre. Challenging Health Inequities. Indigenous people in Canada (First Nations, Inuit and Métis) experience significant health disparities on every major health indicator and continue to be under-serviced for health care, and do not have the same access to healthcare providers as other Canadians. This interdisciplinary event aims to address some of those needs.

2014 African Nova Scotian Mental Health and Addictions Initiative

Dates: Nov 27 & 28, 2014, Halifax, NS. This first-of-its-kind-conference is occurring in proud collaborative partnership between the Health Association of African Canadians and Nova Scotia’s Department of Health & Wellness.

Canadian Immunization Conference 2014

Dec 2-4, 2014. Ottawa Convention Centre, Ottawa ON. Public health practitioners, health care providers, vaccine providers, researchers, immunization policy-makers and program managers, vaccine manufacturers, academics, students and other stakeholders who contribute to Canada’s vaccination system will gather to demonstrate their commitment to immunization as an important public health measure.

14th World Congress on Public Health

Dates: Feb 11-15, 2015 Location: Kolkata, India.The Congress will aim towards fostering the promotion of "Healthy People - Healthy Environment" and will bring together thousands of participants from a wide range of public health disciplines from many countries around the world.

Black Canadian Studies Conference 2015

Abstracts due: February 15, 2015. Conference Dates: 21 - 24 May, 2015. Halifax, NS. The Black Canadian Studies Association will host its 2nd Biennial Black Canadian Studies Conference (BCSA) Community, Empowerment & Leadership in Black Canada in Halifax, Nova Scotia from 21 to 24 May 2015. To be held at Dalhousie University, the goal of the conference is to promote dialogue, critical reflection and nuanced perspectives on the past, present and future of Black leadership in Canada.

CUGH 6th Annual Global Health Conference

Mobilizing Research for Global Health. Sheraton Boston Hotel, Boston, MA March 26-28, 2015

Health Law Institute Seminar Series 2014

Oct 2014 - March 2015. The Institute hosts an extremely popular series of seminars that are open to the public and attracts a broad audience from across the university, government, and health care communities. Invited scholars and practitioners share their knowledge and reflections on the latest health law and policy issues. All Welcome!

Dalhousie University

Global Health Office

Dalhousie University, 5849 University Avenue, Clinical Research Centre, C-241
PO Box 15000, Halifax, NS B3H 4R2, Canada

Phone: 902-494-1965
Fax: 902-494-2799

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