Global Health Office Bi-Weekly Bulletin
Global Health News

August 12, 2014 - September 8, 2014

Published September 8, 2014
Volume 6, Issue 16

Global Health News

Grand Challenges Canada: Saving Brains

PROPOSAL DEADLINE: September 8, 2014, at 18:00 ET. Unlocking The Potential for Development. The challenge is to develop and scale up products, services and policies that protect and nurture early brian development in a sustainable manner, thereby unlocking the potential of the next generation of children and providing their countries with an exit strategy from poverty. To address this critical challenge, Grand Challenges Canada has developed the Saving Brains program, which promotes the fulfillment of human capital potential by focusing on interventions that nurture and protect early brain development in the first 1,000 days of life.

Black Student Advising centre: Open House

Date: Sept. 19, 2014 @ 11am-3pm Location: 1321 Edward St. Halifax (2nd floor) The Black Student Advising centre invites you to join them for a open house tour of their new space! "All the warmth of our old home now in more space."

Dr. Danielle Martin on Transforming Health Care

Date: Sept. 30, 2014 @ 5-7pm Location: Spatz Theatre, Citadel High School, 1855 Trollope St., Halifax Transforming Health Care: Three Big Ideas Last spring, Dr. Danielle Martin took on a U.S. Senate committee and defended Canada's health care system. While igniting pride from coast to coast, Dr. Martin also acknowledged that our health care system still has a long way to go. Come to this free public lecture to hear Dr. Martin's three big ideas on how we can improve the health care system for every Canadian.

In Whose Backyard: Organizing Against Environmental Racism in Nova Scotia

October 7 at 5:30pm. Dalhousie Student Union building. The ENRICH Project and NSPIRG will be hosting an evening to discuss history and research around environmental injustices in Nova Scotia. "In Whose Backyard?" is the name for a series of workshops bringing together members of Mi’kmaq and African Nova Scotian communities to discuss how they have been and are currently being affected by nearby toxic industries and locally unwanted land uses.

Canadian Immunization Conference 2014

Dec 2-4, 2014. Ottawa Convention Centre, Ottawa ON. Public health practitioners, health care providers, vaccine providers, researchers, immunization policy-makers and program managers, vaccine manufacturers, academics, students and other stakeholders who contribute to Canada’s vaccination system will gather to demonstrate their commitment to immunization as an important public health measure.

CUGH 6th Annual Global Health Conference

Mobilizing Research for Global Health. Sheraton Boston Hotel, Boston, MA March 26-28, 2015

Dalhousie University

Global Health Office

Dalhousie University, 5849 University Avenue, Clinical Research Centre, C-241
PO Box 15000, Halifax, NS B3H 4R2, Canada

Phone: 902-494-1965
Fax: 902-494-2799

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