Global Health Office Bi-Weekly Bulletin
Global Health News

October 6, 2014

Published September 8, 2014
Volume 6, Issue 18

Global Health News

2015 Certificate in Global Health

Registration: Oct 6 - Dec 1, 2014. Location: Tupper 2L7. Video Conference Sites: Halifax & DMNB. This innovative course explores health systems in a global context. It will examine major health-related challenges in resource constrained communities and how solutions are being developed to address these challenges.

CH&E Seminar Series

Oct 7, 2014 @ 12:30 pm. Centre for Clinical Research, CH&E Classroom #409. Title: Healthcare Knowledge Management: Translating Clinical Guidelines as Point-of-care Decision Support Systems. Speaker: Syed Sibte Raza Abidi, PhD, Professor of Computer Science, Director of Health Informatics, Faculty of Computer Science, Dalhousie University

In Whose Backyard: Organizing Against Environmental Racism in Nova Scotia

October 7 at 5:30pm. Dalhousie Student Union building. The ENRICH Project and NSPIRG will be hosting an evening to discuss history and research around environmental injustices in Nova Scotia. "In Whose Backyard?" is the name for a series of workshops bringing together members of Mi’kmaq and African Nova Scotian communities to discuss how they have been and are currently being affected by nearby toxic industries and locally unwanted land uses.

MSF Recruitment Information Session

Oct 8, 2014 @ 7pm. QEII Hospital - Infirmary site, Royal Bank Theatre. The skills you have are the skills we need!

Mobilizing Culture Mentorship Strategies to Enhance Youth Resilience

Date: Oct 9, 2014 @ 1-2 pm Location: Mona Campbell Rm. 3111 (School of Social Work Boardroom). A presentation and video screening by Ashlee Cunsolo Willox, PhD.

Documentary Screening: African Grandmothers Tribunal

Oct 9, 2014. 2-4 pm. First Baptist Church Halifax 1300 Oxford Street. African Grandmothers Tribunal, Seeking justice on the frontlines of the AIDS crisis. Organized by HRM Grandmothers Campaign of the Stephen Lewis Foundation.

Who Cares? Cultivating Compassion for Social Progress

Oct 14-17, 2014. Halifax, NS. A week-long series of events brought to you by Dalhousie University's Segelberg Dialogues in Faith and Public Policy, L'Arche, the Dalhousie Multifaith Centre, the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Public Affairs and the Waves of Compassion Association.

Global Health Rounds

Oct 15, 2014 @ 4:30 - 5:30 pm. Location:Tupper C206 (Dean's Council Room), DMNB Rm 218. Facilitator: Des Leddin, Professor, Faculty of Medicine Topic: Health Education; Can the Net Level the Playing Field?

Advocates in Global Health Certificate Orientation

Date: Oct 15 @ 5-7 pm Location: Halifax: Tupper 2L7, DMNB: 221. This session is available for all students registered in the Advocates in Global Health Certificate. It will provide a general overview of the criteria and program stucture.

Upstander: A Workshop with Paul Hutchinson and Martha Martin

Date: Oct 15, 2014 @ 6:30 - 8:30 pm. Location: Dalhousie SUB rm. 224. Please join Paul Hutchinson, filmmaker of Upstanding: Stories of Hope from Northern Ireland and Martha Martin, Dalhousie Multifaith Centre for an interactive workshop that will explore bystander behaviour through stories of violence in Northern Ireland. Learn the skills to be an upstander.

Research Integrity: Are you conducting your research responsibly?

Oct 21, 2014 @ 12 - 1 pm. Halifax Tupper Theatre A; DMNB rm 102. Research Skills Training Program With: Drs. Mark Filaggi and Catherine Connors

Wicked Leadership for Wicked Times: an open colloquium

Date: Oct 21, 2014 @ 1-4 pm Location: Rebecca Cohn Auditorium, Dalhousie Arts Centre, Halifax. The Imperative for New Approaches for Managing and Leading in Healthcare for the 21st Century. In honour of the School of Nursing's 65th anniversary, you are invited to attend an open colloquium. Facilitated by School Director, Dr. Kathleen MacMillan, the colloquium will feature a panel of internationally renowned thought leaders in health care.

Youth PhotoVoice Exhibit

Date: Oct 23, 2014 @ 6:30 - 8:30 pm. Location: Halifax North Memorial Public Library. PhotoVoice is a participatory action project conducted by youth from Needham Community Centre and St. George’s YouthNet. The photovoice project was completed over the summer and facilitated by a group of medical students from Dalhousie University.

Global Health Elective Info Night

Oct 28, 2014. 5-6 pm. Tupper 2L7. Join us to learn more about our Local Global Health Elective and Summer Programs!

Nova Scotia Dementia Care Public Consultations

Oct 30, 2014. 2-4 pm. Holiday Inn, 101 Wyse Road, Dartmouth. Earlier this year, Health and Wellness Minister Leo Glavine announced the development of a provincial dementia strategy. If dementia has touched you personally either as a person living with dementia or as a family member caring for someone with dementia, the Department of Health and Wellness would like to invite you to share your ideas and experiences at one of five consultations.

AFMC Charles Boelen International Social Accountability Award

Nomination Deadline: Oct 31, 2014. The nomination, including 1 copy of all documentation, should be sent to the AFMC at This new AFMC award aims to celebrate people or organizations whose professional accomplishments are an example of the principles of social accountability implemented as defined in the Global Consensus for Social Accountability of Medical Schools and in internationally recognized references.

October is Mi'kmaq History Month

October. Educational and cultural activities are occuring throughout the month of Octobe to assist all Nova Scotians in increasing their knowledge and awareness of Mi’kmaw culture, history and heritage.

Health Law Institute Seminar Series 2014

Oct 2014 - March 2015. The Institute hosts an extremely popular series of seminars that are open to the public and attracts a broad audience from across the university, government, and health care communities. Invited scholars and practitioners share their knowledge and reflections on the latest health law and policy issues. All Welcome!

MSF Walk Without Borders Challenge

Sept 15 - Oct 30, 2014. Savings lives one step at a time 2014. On September 15, sign up and show your solidarity with MSF patients all over the world who walk long distances to access lifesaving medical treatment.

2014 Canadian Conference on Global Health

Nov 2-4, 2014. Westin Hotel, Ottawa. The theme, Partnerships for Global Health, aims to develop and strengthen partnerships both within, between and amongst countries and across institutions, sectors and disciplines and will examine partnerships from a variety of perspectives.

HealthAchieve East

Nov 3-4, 2014. Halifax World Trade & Convention Centre. HealthAchieve East is a unique opportunity for health care professionals in the Atlantic provinces to take part in inspiring presentations broadcast live from Toronto. Delegates will also be able to network with an influential group of health care leaders, see and learn more about the latest innovations and developments, and participate in educational sessions designed to address current health care issues and concerns in the Atlantic provinces.

Advocates in Global Health: Housing Part 2

Date: Nov 5, 2014 @ 5-7 pm. Location: Halifax: Tupper 2L7, DMNB: 221. This skill building session will have participants learn first hand from MOSH (Mobile Outreach Street Health) clients who have experienced homelessness.

Annual Fear Memorial Education Conference 2014

Nov 14 & 15, 2014. Simulation Education in the Maritimes.

IPHE Mini-Course: Global Health Through an Ethical Lens

Jan 13, 15, 20 & 22, 2015. 3:30-5:00 pm. This mini-course will provide interprofessional teams of students with an in-depth exposure to global health, with an emphasis on ethical decision-making in local and international contexts.

Dalhousie University

Global Health Office

Dalhousie University, 5849 University Avenue, Clinical Research Centre, C-241
PO Box 15000, Halifax, NS B3H 4R2, Canada

Phone: 902-494-1965
Fax: 902-494-2799

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