Feb. 16, 2015. Nova Scotia Heritage Day is a new statutory holiday that has been added to the Labour Standards Code. Starting in 2015, Nova Scotia Heritage Day will be on the third Monday in February, celebrating provincial heroes and events. In 2015 we honour human rights activist Viola Desmond (July 6, 1914 – February 7, 1965), who challenged racial segregation at a film theatre in New Glasgow, Nova Scotia in 1946. She refused to leave a whites-only area at the theatre and was convicted of a segregation-based tax violation. Her case became famous and influenced other equal rights activists to end segregation in the province.
February 2015. Do you have interests in international research? Are you looking for international research or international development funding opportunities? International Research & Development, a unit of Dalhousie Research Services, invites you to explore its International Funding Opportunities Database for Faculty. This easy-to-use database is searchable by keyword (e.g. country name) and highlights a variety of funding sources that could support your international interests.
Feb 1-28, 2015. Atlantic Canada. Encourage your school to be ACTive Global Citizens by participating in the ACT 4 Global Change Challenge! The Atlantic Council for International Cooperation (ACIC) is celebrating the 25th International Development Week (February 1-7, 2015) by challenging Atlantic Canadians to ACT 4 Global Change during the entire month of February in the ACT 4 Global Change Challenge!
Feb 10 - Apr 21, 2015. African Heritage Month, recent discoveries in Acadian history and the fiftieth anniversary of the Canadian flag are among the topics to be featured in the upcoming Evenings at Government House, a public event series hosted by the lieutenant governor.
Tues. Feb 17, 2015 @ 7-9 pm Black Cultural Centre 10 Cherry Brook Rd The Health Association of African Canadians (HAAC) presents a form examining health challenges faced by people of African ancestry. Cost: Free; Contact: Donna Smith Darrell at 902-405-4222
Wed. Feb 18, 2015 @ 2-4 pm. IWK Health Centre, 5980 University Ave, Halifax, NS - Parker Reception Room, 2nd floor. REGISTRATION REQUIRED BY 13 FEB 2015. "A Workshop on Gay Men's Health." This workshop on the topic of gay men's health and HIV prevention in 2015 touches on several topics, including: HIV prevention - what that means NOW in the age of PrEP and TasP. Determinants of health as they apply to gay men. Health issues of particular concern for gay men. Building cultural capacity re: working with gay men and other LGBTQ folk.
Wed. Feb 18, 2015 @ 4:30-5:30 pm. Tupper G-36, DMNB Saint John Rm 105. Theme: Surviving Racism and Its Impact on Health and Well Being: Women of African Ancestry Living In Nova Scotia Facilitator: Barb Hamilton-Hinch, Assistant Professor, School of Health and Human Performance.
Application Deadline: Feb 20, 2015. Event Dates: March 30-April 4, 2015. The United Nations Global Education First Initiative (GEFI) will organize an advocacy training workshop for young leaders in Global Citizenship Education (GCED) from the 30th March to 4th April 2015, at the Geumjeong Cultural Center in Busan, Republic of Korea. - See more at: http://www.globaleducationfirst.org/5019.htm#sthash.dDs1bsYO.dpuf
Tues. Feb 24, 2015 @ 12 pm. Centre for Clinical Research, CH&E Classroom #409 5790 University Avenue. CH&E Seminar Series with Karina Top, MD, MS Assistant Professor, Paediatrics and Community Health & Epidemiology, Dalhousie University. Vaccination programs have led to dramatic reductions in childhood morbidity and mortality. While vaccines are extensively tested prior to introduction into public health programs and are largely considered to be safe, with benefits outweighing harms, all vaccines have some potential to cause adverse events. As immunization programs become more complex and public confidence in vaccination wavers, partly due to concerns about safety, there is a growing need for continued evaluation of vaccine safety after licensure.
Tues. Feb 24, Tues. March 17 & Fri. March 20, 2015. 6-8pm. Dalhousie SUB Rm. 303. This Series is in partnership with the Dalhousie School of Social Work, the Nova Scotia Association of Black Social Workers, The James R. Johnston Chair in Black Canadian Studies and the Dalhousie Black Student Advising Centre.
Feb 27, 2015 @ 1:00-2:30pm. Momentum is building across Canada for the adoption of a national pharmacare program. What is the case for full and universal coverage of prescription drug costs? What are the required conditions for such an initiative to succeed? We invite you take part in this free webinar and join the discussion!
Registration Deadline: Feb 28, 2015. Course Dates: July 6-17, 2015. Montreal, Canada. The McGill Summer Institute in Infectious Diseases & Global Health is offering 3 courses in the summer of 2015, with internationally renowned faculty, diverse participant groups, and fellowships for low‐income country researchers.
Feb. 28, 2015 @ 9:00am - 3:00pm. Are you a Med 1 or Med 2 student planning an international elective or international RIM project? Register for this mandatory session!
Deadline: Immediate. Halifax, NS. The youth art project "Time to Clear the Air: Art on Environmental Racism by Mi'kmaw and African Nova Scotian Youth" is looking to hire a Youth Outreach Worker from the Mi'kmaw community. The position starts right away. The total number of hours is between 40-50 hours. The person will receive an honorarium in the amount of $500 after the work is completed.
Application Deadline: March 1, 2015. The application process for the Young Leaders Program - as well as youth scholarships to attend the Women Deliver 2016 Conference - is now open! The Young Leaders Program is a three-year fellowship program for young people (under the age of 30) who are passionate about maternal, sexual, and reproductive health and rights.
Submission Deadline: March 2, 2015 2015 Global Health Awards at Dalhousie: Making a difference in global health The Global Health office invites you to submit nominations for the 2015 Global Health Awards at Dalhousie. There are three global health awards recognizing student, resident and faculty achievement and leadership in global health.
Submission Deadline: March 2, 2015 Do you have outstanding photos that tell a compelling story about your global health experience? Each year the global health office at Dalhousie hosts the Global Health Photo Contest to recognize these beautiful images and inspiring stories. This contest is open to students, residents and faculty and staff at Dalhousie.
Remember that Global Health is all around us! Children in school, a community clean up, a healthy meal shared with family and friends. You experience global health everyday!
Mar 2 - April 6, 2015. Expand and develop your research skills through this illuminating series on knowledge translation. Topics range from implementation science to social media and KT.
Abstract Deadline: March 5, 2015. Event Dates: April 27 & 28, 2015. IWK Health Centre and Halifax Infirmary. 2015 Infectious Diseases Research Day / Canadian Center for Vaccinology Symposium invites you to join the discussions happening in Halifax. Guest speakers, poster presentations and panel discussions. Registration required.
March 9 & 10, 2015. Mount Saint Vincent University, Halifax NS. AAU Conference on Best Practices in Aboriginal Programming and Support. Who should attend? Current and potential Aboriginal Post-secondary Students, Faculty, Administrators, Student Services and Recruitment, Aboriginal Educators, Researchers and Policy Advisors.
May 21, 2015. 8am-3pm, Dalhousie University. At the Dalhousie Medical Education Institute you will learn: Characteristics & advances of programmatic assessment in medical education, Principles of effective assessment, applied to the evaluation of learners, How to incorporate programmatic assessment into your learning context.
Submission Deadline: March 25, 2015. Submissions from 1min - 35mins. Submissions must reflect the African Canadian/Nova Scotian/Multicultural experience or be created by African Canadian/Nova Scotian or Multicultural filmmakers.
Dates: March 26-28, 2015 Location: Sheraton Boston Hotel, Boston, MA. Mobilizing Research for Global Health. CUGH's sixth annual conference will bring together some of the leading researchers from around the world. Sessions are arranged around particularly compelling plenary presentations that address fundamental global health challenges. These will lead into breakout sessions to delve into the research challenges in basic and translational science, and the diverse issues in implementation. This allows the meeting to both focus and explore broadly across the whole research spectrum.
March 27 & 28, 2015. Dalhousie University. Please join us on Friday and Saturday March 27-28 2015 at Dalhousie University to discuss current health-related research. This conference is an excellent opportunity for students to present their research and gain new knowledge in other health-related topics.
Presented by Unite For Sight, 12th Annual Conference Dates: March 28 & 29, 2015 Location: Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA The Global Health & Innovation Conference is the world's largest global health and social entrepreneurship conference. This must-attend, thought-leading conference brings together 300 speakers and annually convenes 2,200 leaders, changemakers, students, and professionals from all fields of global health, international development, and social entrepreneurship. Register now to secure the lowest registration rate by December 31, 2014!
Submission Deadline: March 30, 2015 The special issue of Girlhood Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal, “Indigenous Girls”, is open to diverse forms of expressions on the theme.
Submission Deadline: April 1, 2015. The 10th International Forum on Pediatric Pain (IFPP) is seeking abstracts for poster presentations that can relate to any aspect of pain in children.
April 27 & 28, 2015. Halifax, Nova Scotia. Save the Date! The 20th Annual Infectious Diseases Research Day / 7th Annual Canadian Center for Vaccinology Symposium will be held April 27 & 28, 2015, in Halifax, Nova Scotia. It will start April 27 at 1pm and end April 28 at 2:30pm. Presenters: Tom Clark MD, Robert Fowler MD, Donna MacDougall PhD RN, Karina Top MD.
May 4 - 17, 2015. Registration opens Feb 2, 2015. This exciting, multi-disciplinary training program that includes in class learning and a 3-day field simulation, will provide students and mid-career professionals with the core humanitarian competencies that are essential for anyone involved in disaster response and/or humanitarian assistance.
"Good teachers, a great environment conducive to learning. These are often things we hear from our alumni." Every year the Dalhousie Medical School has opportunities for International Medical University (IMU) students and international medical graduates (IMGs), we invite you to read our Blog series entitled "Where are they now?" profiling some of our recent graduates from these programs.
If you have a global health event that you would like us to promote or to subscribe / unsubscribe to our bi-weekly bulletin please contact us at gho@dal.ca.