Services & Equipment

The Dalhousie Faculty of Medicine Flow Cytometry CORES Facility offers a broad range of cell sorting and flow cytometric analysis. We currently have seven flow cytometers: four analyzers, two sorters (sorters can also be used as analyzers) and an imaging analyzer.    

Below, we have a list of all our instruments with descriptions and configuration files provided for each. For a complete list of all our instruments' configurations, download the full configurations with detector filter information provided [PDF - 66 KB].

Flow Cytometers - Analyzing Instruments

Beckman Coulter Cytoflex

The Beckman Coulter Cytoflex has three lasers: 405nm (violet), 488nm (blue) and 638nm (red) and has eight fluorescence detectors. In addition, the Cytoflex is configured with a plate loader capable of sampling from 96-well plates (U-, V-, and flat-bottomed plates).

Students and trainees have easy access to the Cytoflex after basic training and online booking is available through DalMedix (login required)

Download the Cytoflex's configuration [PDF - 41 KB]

BD FACS Celesta

The BD FACS Celesta is a 3-laser flow cytometer capable of detecting up to 12 fluorescence parameters simultaneously. It is configured with a 405nm (violet), 488nm (blue) and 640nm (red) laser.

Students and trainees have easy access to the Cytoflex after basic training and online booking is available through DalMedix (login required)

Download the Celesta's configuration [PDF - 19 KB]

BD LSR Fortessa SORP

The BD LSR Fortessa SORP is a 4-laser flow cytometer capable of detecting up to 18 fluorescence parameters simultaneously with state of the art optics to ensure maximal excitation, and collection of signals.

It is configured with a 50mW 488nm (blue), 150mW 532nm (green), 200mW 628nm (red), and 100mW 402nm (violet) laser. With higher than standard output these adjustable powered lasers provide exceptional resolution of biological measurements with weak signals. Samples are run by flow cytometry staff and a small group of trained users. Those who have completed the training may access the Fortessa independently and make bookings through DalMedix (login required).

Download the Fortessa's configuration [PDF - 20 KB]

BD Symphony A5

The BD Symphony A5 is one of our newest instruments. It is a 5-laser flow cytometer capable of detecting up to 28 fluorescence parameters simultaneously with state of the art optics to ensure maximal excitation, and collection of signals.

It is configured with a 100mW 488nm (blue), 200mW 561nm (yellow-green), 200mW 628nm (red), 100mW 405nm (violet) laser, and 60mW 355nm (UV). The Symphony has been configured with high powered lasers and high-sensitivity PMT detector arrays to provide exceptional resolution of biological measurements with weak signals, while minimizing noise.

Samples are run by flow cytometry staff and a small group of trained users. Those who have completed the training may access the Symphony independently and make bookings through DalMedix (login required).

Download the Symphony's configuration [PDF - 20 KB]

Luminex/Amnis Image Stream X Mk II

The Luminex/Amnis Image Stream X Mk II is one of our newest instruments. It is a unique instrument because it detects the cell/particle information using cameras. The Image Stream provides a unique combination of flow cytometry and fast, high resolution fluorescence microscopy for cells or particles in suspension.

The Image Stream has two cameras installed capable of detecting up to 10 fluorescence parameters/images simultaneously as well as brightfield images of every cell/particle passing through the flow cell.

The Image Stream has four lasers, configured with two lasers per camera. The first camera has a 200mW 488nm (blue) and a 200mW 561nm (yellow-green) laser, while the second camera has a 120 mW 405nm (violet) and a 150mW 642nm (red) laser. The instrument also has extended depth of field (EDF) and three objectives (20x, 40x and 60x) available.

Currently, samples are run by flow cytometry staff and we will be training users in the near future. Please note that sample analysis can be time intensive due to the large number of images and morphological features that are available per cell. We recommend that users practice using the analysis software before proceeding with planned experiments. Please contact flow cytometry staff to discuss your imaging flow cytometry needs.  

Download the Image Stream's configuration [PDF - 20 KB]


Flow Cytometers - Sorting Instruments


The FACS Aria III is a twin laser, high speed cell sorter capable of sorting of up to 4 separate populations simultaneously based on a fluorescence profile of up to 8 individual markers. The instrument has a blue (488 nm) and red (633 nm) laser. The Aria III is contained in a class II biosafety cabinet and is able to sort risk group 2 agents.

Download the Aria III's configuration [PDF - 18 KB]

BD FACS Aria Fusion

The FACS Aria Fusion is a 4-laser, high speed cell sorter capable of sorting of up to 4 separate populations simultaneously based on a fluorescence profile of up to 16 individual markers. The instrument has a blue (488 nm), red (633 nm), violet (405 nm) and a yellow-green (561 nm) laser. The Aria Fusion is contained in a class II biosafety cabinet and is able to sort risk group 2 agents.

Download the Aria Fusion's configuration [PDF - 20 KB]



Sample Acquisitions

The flow cytometry staff would be happy to help you acquire and/or analyze your samples. If you plan on running many experiments with 4 colours or less, we recommend that you contact us for training on one of our user-operated flow cytometers: the FACS Canto II and the FACS Celesta. For running more complicated flow cytometry experiments, please contact us to discuss your needs.

Please note that training for independent use of the FACS Canto and the FACS Celesta for acquisiton is subject to the discretion of Flow Cytometry Staff based on need and significance to research project and requires a signed application from the supervisor. Training sessions include 2-3 sessions, depending on the user's experience. There is a fee for the training session, which is redeemable towards instrument hours. For the full training policy and application, please contact the core manager at

Sample Sorting

Sorting is performed by flow cytometry staff. Please contact us for more information about your cell sorting needs and review and complete the sorting application form [PDF - 314 KB], which also contains information about how to prepare the samples for sorting.