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Explore Realizing Our Ambition

Explore Realizing Our Ambition


Excellence in Education

Dalhousie Medical School is pivotal for quality health care in the Maritimes. Whether in the classroom, in the lab, at the bedside at a distributed learning site, or participating in continuing professional development, the Faculty of Medicine works to improve patient care and advance medical research, while reflecting the values and character of the Maritime people we serve. From providing administrative and operational support, maintaining facilities, or directly teaching or learning in an academic or clinical setting – all members of the Faculty of Medicine play a critical role in producing the next generation of physicians and scientists. Learn more about our educational focus areas.

High-impact Research

With over $450 million in research funding secured over the past five years, and 31 current endowed or Canada Research Chairs, the Faculty of Medicine is performing internationally leading health research. Dalhousie medical researchers are committed to solving serious health challenges impacting people in the Maritime Provinces and beyond, which would not be possible without the collaborative and collective efforts of research teams and support staff, strong infrastructure, and the operational supports provided by the Faculty of Medicine community. Learn more about our research focus areas.

Serving and Engaging Society

The Faculty of Medicine can improve health in the Maritimes in ways that exceed its traditional roles of educating physicians and conducting leading-edge research. Our intentions are to examine and redefine the medical school’s interactions with historically marginalized communities, and to work with our government partners and external stakeholders to meaningfully catalyze system change. Learn more about how we serve and engage with society.

Valuing People

Regardless of role or location, we believe that people and culture can set us apart; starting with a “people first” approach, anything is possible. The strides we have made over the past five years would not have been possible without the extraordinary actions and varied expertise of the people who comprise our Faculty. Learn more about how we value people.

Our mission, vision & values
