Developing Our Plan

Realizing Our Ambition was developed through the most in-depth consultation process for any Faculty of Medicine strategic plan to date. It is the product of our shared vision for the Faculty, articulated through broad engagement of the Medical School community, and grounded in input from our faculty, staff, students, and other stakeholders.
In October 2021, we began consulting broadly to gain insight into the unique perspectives of our faculty, staff, students, and stakeholders, leading into the development and implementation of Realizing Our Ambition.
July-December 2021 | Establishing our path After a pause dictated by the pandemic, the strategic plan project charter was established, and surveys (for what purpose) were distributed to all students, staff, and faculty, in the Faculty of Medicine in advance of the first planning session at the Dean’s Retreat in October. |
January-September 2022 | Extensive engagement Broad input was gathered through an internal survey that attracted 235 responses. Faculty of Medicine leadership completed more than 50 consultation sessions with both internal and external stakeholders. |
September-November 2022 | Focus and collaborate Four focus groups were held, one for each of the four streams of work. In November 2022 Assistant and Associate Deans, Department Heads, administrative leaders across the Faculty of Medicine, and invited external stakeholders gathered for the Annual Dean’s Retreat. This was the last consultation before finalizing the plan. |
December 2022-January 2023 | Finalizing the plan Feedback from final consultations reviewed and plan finalized and released. |
Extensive consultation process
Throughout the strategic planning process, our faculty, staff, students, and external stakeholders provided critical feedback and insight. We would like to thank everyone who participated in the development of Realizing Our Ambition. Your contributions throughout the process have allowed us to develop a plan that is truly reflective of the Faculty of Medicine community and will guide our activity over the next five years. With your help, we look forward to continuing the tradition of training scientists and medical professionals with a commitment to lifelong learning, excellence in patient care, high ethical standards, and accountability to communities we serve, while respecting the new standard of excellence and accountability to which we will held.