UGME Curriculum Map

Introducing the Curriculum map

Dalhousie’s Undergraduate Medical Education (UGME) curriculum map,see access instructions below), is now available online. The map is a one-stop-shop for faculty, staff, and students looking to browse the MD curriculum’s entrustable professional activities, educational outcomes, unit/clerkship objectives, unit component/specific clerkship objectives, and learning session objectives.

The Curriculum map has been built with a search and results function to help users explore how different levels of objectives map to each other, and find where in the curriculum specific medical topics are taught.

Access the Curriculum Map


What you need to know

FAQ for Public Users

1.       How do I login to CBlue?

All CBlue users require Dalhousie login credentials (NetID and password) to access CBlue. Additionally, as of 2023, Dalhousie requires Muti-Factor Authentication (MFA) to access all Dalhousie technologies and platforms.

2.       How is the map organized?

The undergraduate medicine curriculum map can be visualized like nesting dolls where smaller structures fit into larger ones (see figure). Each structure level contains its own specific educational objectives that map up to one or more parent structures. Hyperlinks within the map, will display objectives, mapping information, and additional details of the selected structure.

You may reference the breadcrumb trail along the top ribbon of the map to see mapping hierarchy and/or navigate back up to parent structures.

3.       What is the coding notation on each objective?

Each objective within the map has a unique code denoted by:

Structure Level – Abbreviated Structure Name – Unique Code Number

Example A: C-M-5

·       C = Component level
·       M = Metabolism unit
·       5 = Objective #5

Example B: L-NSc-1

·       L = Learning session level
·       NSc = Neuroscience unit
·       1 = Objective #1

A table of abbreviated structure names can be found in Additional Resources menu.

4.       How do I find a specific session and its objectives?

If you know what unit and component the session is taught in, you may follow the links within the map to that specific session. If not, use the Search function

5.       How do I use the Search function?

Located in the top righthand corner of the map is the search bar. Input a key word as your search term and then hit Search. Results will display everywhere that key word is used within the map organized by map structure.

6.       Can I generate reports?

Public users of CBlue do not have permission to generate reports.

7.       I’m a newly appointed UGME Faculty Unit/Component Lead, can my permissions be updated?

Yes, please contact to update your user permissions

8.       I have further questions on CBlue and/or the map

Contact the UGME Curriculum Map Administrator at

Additional Resources

a.       Review User Permissions [PDF - 153KB] to see what you have access to on CBlue  

b.       The Teaching Methodologies Glossary [PDF - 191KB] lists the different ways our education sessions are delivered, their respective definitions, and default duration

c.       Review the Code Abbreviation Table [PDF - 169KB] to understand the map structure and objective nomenclature

d.       The Public User Guide [PDF - 662KB] was developed to instruct users on the basic organization of the map and aid in navigating/using it

e.       Instructional Videos on how to navigate the curriculum map        


If you have questions or need more information on the UGME curriculum map or CBlue, please contact the UGME Map Administrator,