Services & Fees

Located in Dalhousie University's Life Sciences Research Institute, the Zebrafish Core Facility provides a variety of services for researchers. If you have any questions or would like to request any of our services, please contact the facility manager.

Colony Maintenance

Researcher's colonies are housed and maintained within the clean room by trained staff that perform all regular husbandry duties including:
    - Daily feeding for all life stages 
    - Daily health monitoring of fish behavior and appearance
    - Regular maintenance of colony databases
    - All experimental and stock maintenance breedings 

If you are interested in having your zebrafish colony maintained at our facility, click here for more information. 

Animal Procurement

The Zebrafish Core Facility is able to provide various wild type, mutant and transgenic zebrafish lines to academic institutions both locally and internationally. Some restrictions may apply for certain transgenic and mutant lines. All animal orders require that an MTA be filled out and signed by the institutional signing authorities prior to shipment. A copy of the MTA can be found here and the highlighted sections are to be filled out by the purchaser. 

See list of available transgenic and background (wild-type / mutant) lines.

For a breakdown of the pricing, click here.

Importing Zebrafish Into Canada

With the current CFIA restrictions, importing zebrafish adults and/or embryos can be a difficult process. The Dalhousie Zebrafish Core Facility has a CFIA certified quarantine room that allows for the import of zebrafish adults and embryos and is offered as a service to both internal and external academic institutions. The Zebrafish Core Facility manages all husabndry and dealings with regulatory agencies to esnure a smooth transition into Canada until their release from CFIA custody. The Zebrafish Core will coordinate with the shipper to ensure all required documents are present and that the CFIA veterinarian is aware of the shipment's entry into Canada.   

For a breakdown of the pricing, click here.