Dr. John Archibald Receives CSMB Award

Dr. John Archibald Receives Prestigious CSMB Canadian Science Publishing Senior Investigator Award

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Dr. John Archibald Receives CSMB Award

Posted by Dept of Biochemistry on March 26, 2024

Dr. John Archibald has been named as this year’s recipient of the CSMB Canadian Science Publishing Senior Investigator Award by the Canadian Society for Molecular Biosciences (CSMB) for demonstration of “inclusive excellence in research, teaching and mentorship, leadership and outreach.”

John is being recognized for his outstanding achievements in the molecular biosciences. This is based upon a long track-record of transformative peer-reviewed research studies,  broad service within and across the academic and research community, highly effective mentorship at levels from high school students through to junior faculty members, and a clear ongoing commitment to relevant, engaging, and rigorous teaching. John joins an illustrious group of previous award recipients spanning back several decades, whose extraordinary accomplishments are celebrated on the CSMB website.

Heartfelt congratulations to Dr. Archibald on this well-deserved recognition! We are thrilled to share in his success and look forward to celebrating his continued achievements.