Irena Rot

Senior Instructor. Director, Division of Anatomy

I. Rot

Phone: 902-494-2481
Mailing Address: 
Room 13H2, Sir Charles Tupper Medical Building, 5850 College Street; 

 PO Box 15000, 
Dalhousie University, 
Halifax, Nova Scotia
, Canada 
B3H 4R2


  • PDF (Dalhousie University)
  • PhD (Dalhousie University)
  • MSc (University of Belgrade, Serbia)
  • BSc (University of Belgrade, Serbia)

Selected publications

  • Rot I. and Kablar B. (2013) Role of skeletal muscle in palate development. Histology and Histopathology, 28:1-3.
  • Rot I, Ogah I, Wassersug R. (2012). Language of reproductive cancer treatments and implications for informed decision making by patients, with a particular focus on prostate cancer. European Journal of Cancer Care, 21:766-775.
  • Rot I, Ogah I, Wassersug R. (2012). Knowledge of reproductive system cancers, their treatments and side effects). Journal of Cancer Education, 27:559-565.
  • Rot I, Kablar B (2010). The influence of acoustic and static stimuli on development of inner ear sensory epithelia. International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience, 28:309-315.
  • Rot-Nikcevic I, Downing KJ, Hall BK, Kablar B (2007). Development of the mouse mandibles and clavicles in the absence of skeletal myogenesis. Histology and Histopathology, 22:51-60.


  • Human Gross Anatomy - Medicine, preclinical curriculum 
  • Functional Human Anatomy - Physiotherapy, Graduate level 
  • Advanced Human Anatomy - Medical Sciences, 4th year 
  • Human Gross Anatomy - Physician Assistant studies, Graduate level 
  • Gross Anatomy of the Head and Neck - Dentistry and Dental Hygiene 


  • Summer Student Dissection Program Coordinator