What is Physiology and Biophysics?

The science of life

Physiology is the study of how biological systems act at the molecular, cellular and organ system level. Because a physiologist also explores normal human body function, research in physiology provides the basis for understanding the abnormal function seen in human disease (pathophysiology) and for developing new methods in treating diseases (translational research).

Bringing it all together

Biophysicists use the methods of mathematics, physics and chemistry to study how living organisms work. Biophysicists study life at every level and ask questions such as: how the brain processes and stores information, how cells detect and respond to signals, how the heart pumps blood and how muscles contract.

A fascinating future

With a graduate degree in physiology and biophysics, you’ll have the base you need to pursue a variety of exciting careers, including:

  • research
  • medicine
  • pharmacy
  • dentistry
  • nursing
  • paramedic
  • biomedical industry
  • public science education