Scott Livingstone, MD MSc FRCSC ASTS
Assistant Professor | Acute Care Service Chief | Clinical Associate Director
Phone: 902-473-4034
Mailing Address:
6-203 Victoria Building
1276 South Park St
Halifax, NS, B3H 2Y9
Surgical education
Public outreach and education regarding organ donation
BSc – Cellular Biology, University of Calgary, 2004
MD – University of Calgary, 2007
MSc – Dalhousie University, 2011
General Surgery Residency – Dalhousie University, 2014
Multi-organ transplantation and HPB Surgical Fellowship – University of Alberta, 2016
Research interests
Post transplant Outcomes
Clinical application of Ex-vivo liver perfusion
Selected publications
1. Venkatachalam AB, Livingstone SM, Hu Q, Ray A, Wood C, Cimen S, Alwayn IP. Delivery of Soluble Heme Oxygenase 1 Cell-Penetrating Peptide into Liver Cells in in vitro and ex vivo Models of Cold Ischemia. Eur Surg Res. 2016. 58(1-2):51-68.
2. Livingstone S, Andres A, Shapiro AMJ, Kneteman NM. Diaphragmatic Hernia Following Living Donor Right Hepatectomy: Proposal for a screening protocol. Transplantation Direct. 2016. 2(7):e84.
3. Preliminary Single-Center Canadian Experience of Human Normothermic Ex Vivo Liver Perfusion: Results of a Clinical Trial. Bral M, Gala-Lopez B, Bigam D, Kneteman N, Malcolm A, Livingstone S, Andres A, Emamaullee J, Russell L, Coussios C, West LJ, Friend PJ, Shapiro AM. Am J Transplant. 2016. 17(4):1071-1080.
4. Andres A, Kin T, O’Gorman D, Livingstone S, Bigam D, Kneteman N, Senior P, James Shapiro AM. Clinical Islet Isolation and Transplantation Outcomes with Deceased Cardiac Death Donors are Similar to Neurological Determination of Death Donors. Transplant International. 2016. 29(1):34-40
5. Andres A, Livingstone S, Kin T, Campbell PM, Senior PA, Kneteman NM, Bigam D, Shapiro AMJ. Islet-after-failed-pancreas and pancreas-after-failed islet transplantation: two complementary rescue strategies to control diabetes. Islets. 2015. 7(6):e1126036
American Society of Transplant Surgeons
Canadian Society of Transplantation
International Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association
Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada
Canadian Association of General Surgeons
College of Physicians and Surgeons of Nova Scotia
Canadian Medical Association
Other Employment
Surgical Director - Liver transplantation
Program Director – ASTS accredited kidney Transplant Fellowship
Associate Program Director – AHPBA accredited HPB and Liver Transplant Fellowship