
Transmission Electron Microscope - JEOL 1230 TEM


Scanning Electron Microscope - Zeiss Sigma 300 FESEM

Available detectors on the Zeiss Sigma 300 FESEM

InLens SE – High efficiency annular scintillator detector mounted in Gemini column with optically couples photomultiplier

SE2 – Everhart- Thornley secondary electron detector with optically coupled photomultiplier

VPSE G4 – Fourth generation variable pressure secondary electron detector for imaging in VP mode

HDBSD – High definition retractable four quadrant or 5 segment 16mm solid state diode backscattered detector fitted below the objective lens assembly

aSTEM1 – Pneumatically retractable multi-mode annular Scanning Electron Microscopy (aSTEM) detector, with 12X specimen holder


Sample Preparation for Routine TEM Analysis:

  • Routine processing including fixation, dehydration, infiltration, and embedding.
  • Thick & Thin Sectioning including heavy metal staining of resulting grids.
  • Negative Staining.

Sample Preparation for Routine SEM Analysis:

  • Routine Processing of biological samples requiering fixation, dehydration, and critical point drying.
  • Sputter coating of stubs with gold/palladium.

TEM and SEM Analysis

  • Independent use of microscopes is generally encourged as both instruments are very user-friendly.
  • Training can be provided, according to level of techincal competence.
  • Analysis of samples by an experienced technologist is available, if needed. 

Ancillary Equipment:

  • Leica EM CPD300 critical point dryer.
  • Leica EM ACE600 sputter coater.
  • Reichert/Leica Ultracut E ultramicrotome.

Specialiazed services not deemed "routine" can also be provided, depending on the nature of techniques, time-lines, and costs involved. 

For all routine and specialized inquiries, please contact Mary Ann Trevors.