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Gynaecologic Oncology

Tackling cancer with a female perspective

The Division of Gynaecologic Oncology, located at the Dickson Building, QEII Health Sciences Centre, is a team of dedicated oncologists who provide consultation and treatment services to the women of Nova Scotia and PEI.

Our talented surgeons perform all aspects of gynaecologic cancer surgery and medical therapy with chemotherapy, and provide screening and prevention for both cervical cancer and hereditary cancer syndromes. We are committed to the overall health of women with an emphasis on the female reproductive tract.

Our doctors are committed to excellence in clinical care, continuing professional development, teaching and research in all aspects of Gynecologic cancer care and prevention. We are involved in patient safety initiatives, implementation of clinical guidelines and development of clinical pathways.

Our people

We’re proud of our knowledgeable Division of Gynaecologic Oncology team. Find out more about our faculty clinicians and researchers:

Gynaecologic Oncology Clinic: 902-473-2366 / 902-473-4029


Contact Division of Gynaecologic Oncology:

Division Head, Gynaecologic Oncology
QEII Health Sciences Centre - VG Site
5th floor Dickson Building
5820 University Avenue
Halifax NS B3H 2Y9
Phone: 902-473-4029
Fax: 902-473-7765
