Accepted? What's Next?
Welcome to Dalhousie Master of Physician Assistant Studies Program
Confirm your acceptance
If you wish to accept our offer and confirm your seat, you must do so by paying the $200 deposit no later than the date specified in your acceptance letter. Please visit Faculty of Graduate Studies for further information on paying your deposit, as well as other important next steps.
Immunization requirements
Dalhousie Master of Physician Assistant Studies program has mandatory immunization requirements for all entering students. The earlier you start gathering the required documents the better.
Immunization Verification Form
These documents must be submitted/uploaded to your Dalhousie Medix account. Students will receive access and instructions to complete this following acceptance.
Criminal Record & Vulnerable Sector Check
All students who accept an offer of Admission to Dalhousie University Faculty of Medicine must provide documentation of a Criminal Records Check and Vulnerable Sector Check (CRC/VSC). Your CRC/VSC must be dated for the current academic year and be submitted prior to the first day of classes.
CRC/VSC’s will be required annually.
To review the regulations please click here.
Basic Life Support/CPR Training
Students must submit a non-expired Basic Life Support (BLS) certification to the MPAS Office by November 30th before year of entry.
BLS is the level of CPR that Healthcare Providers (HCP) require and used to be referred to as CPR-HCP. Students require this level of CPR training but DO NOT need First Aid training. BLS training can be obtained from various organizations, including St. John Ambulance, Canadian Red Cross, Heart & Stroke Foundation, etc.
Certification can be emailed to
Send current transcripts
All students are required to submit official and final transcripts. Please ensure that the university sends your final transcript with degree conferral, or degree certificate by email to
If you have received a conditional offer of admission based on the successful completion of your undergraduate or graduate degree prior to commencing the Master of Physician Assistant Studies program you are required to submit your transcript that confirms you have received your degree. This must be submitted to Admissions on or before August 31 of the year of acceptance. For graduate degrees, alternatively written confirmation from your graduate supervisor can be sent to If you are enrolled in a graduate level program and are unable to confirm your conferred degree by the August 31 deadline, the Admissions Committee will evaluate on a case-by-case basis.
Transcripts will be accepted by mail to the address listed below OR by secure web/email portal to
PLEASE NOTE: Students completing undergraduate degrees at Dalhousie are not required to submit a transcript. We are able to access your record online. Students completing graduate studies at Dalhousie must still submit written confirmation as outlined above. The online system is not updated to reflect the completion of the grad degree by August 31 deadline.
Transcripts can be mailed to:
Physician Assistant Studies Office
Faculty of Medicine, Dalhousie University
5849 University Ave, CRC Building, Room C-125
Halifax, NS B3H 4R2
Pay tuition
See Student Accounts for detailed instructions on how to pay your tuition online, at the bank, in person, by phone, or by mail. You will also find a complete fee schedule for the MPAS program.
Scholarships and awards
Please visit Faculty of Graduate Studies for information on Scholarships and awards.
Health and Wellness
Dalhousie Student Health Services is committed to providing quality health care and services to promote and enhance students’ good health and well-being. The services are easily accessible and geared toward the unique health needs and concerns of students. You can visit their website here.
DSU Student Health Plan
The DSU Health Insurance Plan is a student-oriented benefits plan for both domestic and international students that covers prescriptions, dental, travel, accident, vision, and many other services.
Students who begin their studies in January are not automatically covered and must opt in. Enrollment is not handled automatically in the Winter Term and payment for the plan is paid out of pocket and cost $485.86. Insurance coverage is from January 1st to August 31st and the amount is not pro-rated.
All opt-ins must be done during the opt in period DURING THE TERM in which you will start your studies.
For more information, please visit the DSU Student Health Plan website.
Applicants who are offered a place in the incoming class may request deferral of admission for one year only. The Admissions Committee considers deferral requests on a case-by-case basis.
Deferral requests are not routinely granted and have generally been provided only in rare and exceptional circumstances.