Entrance requirements diversity bursary form

Bursary for Entrance Requirements Support for Indigenous and African Nova Scotians.

Please read the following information and complete the required details before submitting this form.


As a part of the Johnson Scholarship Foundation (2016‐2021) funding, Dalhousie designed a bursary to support Indigenous students (First Nation, Inuit, and Métis) and African Nova Scotians applying to health programs requiring entrance exams (i.e., medicine and dentistry). The goal of the program is to reduce or eliminate the financial burden associated with application requirements. Bursaries will be awarded as a reimbursement of cost. Applicants may apply more than once for this program, funding will be subject to availability and application review. The total amount for the program will be determined by the annual budget.

Bursary Eligibility

  1. Applicants must meet the following criteria to be eligible for the bursary: Identify as Indigenous or African Nova Scotian*
  2. Confirmed registration for one or more of the following entrance exams:
    • MCAT (Medical College Admissions Test)
    • DAT (Dental Admissions Test)
    • CASPer (Computer‐Based Assessment for Sampling Personal Characteristics) Test
  3. Completed application form which includes a brief education plan
  4. Meet with program manager for PLANS (Promoting Leadership in health for African Nova Scotians), and/or Indigenous Health

Important: Bursaries are available once per application cycle.


Entrance Bursary Details & Application Process

Application and Review Process

Applicants must complete and submit the application form which includes a brief education plan. Once received, the applicable program manager will set up a meeting with the applicant to review the application and education plan. This meeting can take place in person, Skype/FaceTime, or phone. The program manager will make a recommendation to the Director, Global Health Office based on the eligibility criteria and information provided on the application form.

Application Process

There will be opportunities to apply for bursaries throughout the year.

Those who received the bursary will be responsible to submit a thank you letter to the donor (Johnson Scholarship Foundation) through the applicable program manager upon receipt of the bursary. The student may be requested to contribute to communication pieces (e.g. blog post, news article).

*For the purposes of this bursary the following definitions apply:

Indigenous Atlantic Canadians – (tiered system of priority shall be used to assess applications) Priority will be given as follows:

  1. First Nations Communities from the Atlantic Provinces
    • Mi’kmaq ‐ individuals who are Mi’kmaq and were born and/or raised in Mi’kmaqi with a substantial connection to a Mi’kmaw community in Mi’kmaqi
    • Wolastoqiyik (Maliseet) ‐ individuals who are Maliseet and were born and/or raised in the Maliseet territory in New Brunswick with a substantial connection to a Maliseet community
  2. Métis/Innu/Inuit from Atlantic Provinces
    • Students who identify as Métis, Innu, Inuit originating from the Atlantic Provinces.
  3. Indigenous Students (First Nation, Inuit, Métis) born and raised outside of Atlantic Provinces.

African Nova Scotian/Canadian – (tiered system of priority shall be used to assess applications). Priority will be given as follows:

  1. African Nova Scotians – born and/or raised in Nova Scotia with a substantial connection to the historically Black community**;
  2. African Nova Scotians/Canadians – born and/or raised in Nova Scotia without connection to the historical Black community**;
  3. African Canadians – born and/or raised outside of Nova Scotia.

**Historically Black communities are understood to be those whose ancestral origins are connected to Black Loyalists and Black Refugee populations of the 1700s, the Maroons, and Caribbean migrant population.

For more information please contact:

Indigenous Health Faculty of Medicine,

Program Manager
Dalhousie University Global Health Office
5849 University Avenue, C-241
Halifax NS B3H 4R2
Office: 902-494-1965
Email:  ihim@dal.ca

Promoting Leadership in Health for African Nova Scotians (PLANS)

Program Manager
Global Health Office
5849 University Avenue, C-241
Halifax NS B3H 4R2
Office: 902-494-1965
Email:  PLANS@dal.ca

Important Dates & Application Deadlines

Important Dates & Application Deadlines

  Time Frame Deadline Announce to Students
Round 1 Sept 1 - Jan 31 Jan 31 February
Round 2 Feb 1 - May 31 May 31 June
Round 3 June 1 - Aug 31 Aug 31 September

Funding Details

Funding Amounts

Funding is limited and reimbursement will be available for the following amounts.

Important: Bursaries are available once per application cycle for the following exams.

up to $400 $60 $400 $250




Please provide the following information

(Attn: non-Dalhousie students, for your application to be considered complete, please email your Social Insurance Number to gho@dal.ca)


Contact Information




Dalhousie University is committed to encouraging diversity and to providing services that meet the needs of the University's diverse student population. Completion of the section on self-identification is mandatory and will be used for the purposes of this bursary only.

 I am African Nova Scotian (born and/or raised in Nova Scotia with a substantial connection to the historically Black community)*
 I am African Nova Scotian/Canadian – born and/or raised in Nova Scotia without connection to the historical Black community*
 I am African Canadian (born and/or raised outside of Nova Scotia)
 I am Mi’kmaq / First Nation (Nova Scotia)
 I am Mi’kmaq / First Nation (NB/PEI)
 I am Maliseet / First Nation (NB)
 I am Indigenous / Metis (Atlantic Provinces)
 I am Indigenous / Innu or Inuit (Atlantic Provinces)
 I am Indigenous / First Nation (Other)
 I am Indigenous / Metis (Other)
*Historically Black communities are understood to be those whose ancestral origins are connected to Black Loyalists and Black Refugee populations of the 1700s, the Maroons, and Caribbean migrant population


Education Plan



Additional Information

 Yes, Full-time
 Yes, Part-time (less than 3 courses)


Registration Confirmation



Thank you to the donor

If you are successful a thank you acknowledgement will be submitted to the donor. Please provide a thank you text below (maximum 250 words):
