Email and Faculty of Medicine Intranet (DalMedix)
Having and maintaining a Dalhousie University email is required. Dalhousie University provides faculty, staff and students with email on a central email server. All information provided by the PGME Office and any other Dalhousie University department, such as Student Accounts and the Registrar’s Office, will only be communicated to you by email to your Dalhousie email account. Please check and maintain your email account on a regular basis.
New postgraduate medicine trainees at Dalhousie University are provided with a Banner ID number which is used to obtain their email (“NetID”) username online.
Your Dalhousie email account is a component of the new online mechanism for inputting, on DalMedix, your monthly-calls for which you will receive remuneration. A separate username and password are provided for accessing DalMedix which is the Intranet (password-protected website) for the Faculty of Medicine. Articles for PGME workshops will be posted on DalMedix. The instructions to access DalMedix and set up your Dalhousie email account are sent to all new trainees from the PGME Office with their orientation information.
PLEASE NOTE: To download materials from the DalMedix site the browser requirements for login include:
Users must have “cookies” enabled, “javascript” enabled, and popups enabled – these are settings that are sometimes disabled in order to provide a very high level of security. However, they will prevent components of DalMedix from working.
For technical problems please contact For telephone support, call within Halifax: 902-494-1234 or toll free outside Halifax: 1-866-327-8256.
Email may be read over the web using myDal or by using an email client program. To access email services, you need to activate your Dalhousie NetID.
Students who do not have their own computer connected to the Internet may use myDal from the student Learning Commons areas within the libraries on campus. This includes the Kellogg library that is within the Tupper Building, as well as the main Killam library.