Gabriela Ilie, PhD
Associate Professor, DMRF Endowed Soillse Research Scientist in Prostate Cancer Quality of Life Research

Mailing Address:
5790 University Ave, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Canada B3H 1V7
- Prostate cancer
- Quality of Life issues related to cancer and the cancer journey
- Cancer survivorship and survivorship needs
- Psychosocial oncology interventions
- Implementation science
- Patient education and empowerment programs
- Patient-reported outcome measures (PROMS)
- Mental health
- Population health
- Health related quality of life
- Concussions and traumatic brain injury
- Substance use and addiction
- Injury prevention
- Knowledge translation
- Translational research
- Creating communities of patient/personal empowerment
- Blue Zones
Dr. Gabriela Ilie holds the endowed Soillse Scientific Chair in Prostate Cancer Quality of Life Research at Dalhousie University's Faculty of Medicine. Her pioneering research focuses on understanding the needs and challenges faced by men diagnosed with prostate cancer and survivors. Dr. Ilie translates this research into practical education and empowerment programs that significantly enhance the lives of cancer survivors. A key component of her work involves leveraging technology to implement and sustain innovative models of patient education and empowerment. This supports transformative changes within the health system. Dr. Ilie engages patients as Research Citizens and collaborates with community organizations and stakeholders to guide her research.Dr. Ilie has developed comprehensive Patient and Personal Empowerment Programs (PEPs) for prostate cancer, which are now being rolled out globally through a Phase 4 Pan-Canadian and International Trial ( These programs, including expansions to address all forms of cancer ( and chronic disease (, actively involve patients in their own care. Through a 6-month online program (extended through ongoing monthly live video conferences that go beyond the 6 months point), patients gradually adopt sustainable health-promoting behaviors, such as eating healthier, increasing physical activity, and building robust social supports.Her PEP initiatives are not just health interventions but create vibrant communities of empowerment, encouraging patients to live well and actively manage their conditions. Dr. Ilie has forged extensive collaborations with notable organizations across the globe, including in Canada, Europe, New Zealand, Australia, the UK, the Netherlands, and the USA. In addition to her research, Dr. Ilie dedicates her time to translating scientific findings for cancer support groups throughout the Maritimes, Canada, and internationally. She also engages in philanthropic efforts to enhance patient well-being and quality of life. An active speaker, Dr. Ilie has delivered over 200 free talks and seminars worldwide, focusing on patient empowerment and education. She has an impressive track record in academic publishing, with more than 100 papers and significant citations. Dr. Ilie is deeply committed to mentoring, training graduate students in epidemiology, medical students, and urology residents. Previously, as an Assistant Professor at the University of Toronto, she taught over 25,000 students in psychology and neuroscience. Her work has been published in top-tier journals such as the Journal of the American Medical Association, European Urology, and British Medical Journal Open. Dr. Ilie is a frequent presenter at major international medical congresses, demonstrating her leadership in psychosocial oncology and men's health.
- Prostate cancer; cancer epidemiology; cancer survivorship
- Patient education and patient empowerment programs
- Psychosocial interventions in cancer care
- Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMS) & Quality of Life (QOL)
- Mental health
- Implementation science
- Randomized Clinical Trials
- Substance use and addiction
- Concussions and traumatic brain injury; Injury prevention
- Senior Scientist, Beatrice Hunter Cancer Research Institute
- Scientist, Nova Scotia Health Authority, Queen Elizabeth II Health Sciences Centre
- Associate Scientist, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
- Adjunct Associate Professor University of Toronto, Music and Health Research Collaboratory
- Postdoc (Centre for Addiction and Mental Health)
- Postdoc (St. Michael’s Hospital)
- PhD (University of Toronto)
- MA (York University)
- BA Honours (York University)
- MacNevin, W., Ilie, G., Rendon, R., Mason, R., Spooner, J. Chedrawe, E., Patil, N., Bowes, D., Bailly, G., Bell, D., Wilke, D., Zahavich, J.B.L., MacDonald, C., Rutledge, R.D.H. (2024). PC-PEP, a comprehensive daily six-month home-based Patient Empowerment Program leads to weight loss in men with Prostate Cancer: A Secondary Analysis of a Clinical Trial. [Manuscript submitted for publication].
- Lawen, T., Ilie, G., Mason, R., Rendon, R., Spooner, J., Champion, E., Davis, J., MacDonald, C., Kucharczyk, M.J., Patil, N., et al. (2024). Six-Month Prostate Cancer Empowerment Program (PC-PEP) Improves Urinary Function: A Randomized Trial. Cancers, 16(5):958.
- Ilie, G., & Rutledge, R. (2023). Reply to Matthias May, Ingmar Wolff, and Sabine D. Brookman-May's Letter to the Editor re: Gabriela Ilie, Ricardo Rendon, Ross Mason, et al. European Urology, 83, 561-570.
- Gillis, C.J., Sherazi, A., Rendon R.A., Ilie, G., Mason R. (2024). Examining the utility of routine perioperative hemoglobin monitoring in patients undergoing radical nephrectomy. Canadian Urologic Association Journal. 18 (6).
- Ilie, G., & Rutledge, R. (2023). PC-PEP, a comprehensive daily six-month home-based prostate cancer: Secondary analyses of a randomized clinical trial. Annals of Oncology, 34(2), S858.
- Spooner, J., Masoumi-Ravandi, K., MacNevin, W., Ilie, G., Skinner, T., & Powers, A. L. (2024). Septic and febrile kidney stone presentations during the COVID-19 pandemic: What is the effect of reduced access to care during pandemic restrictions? Canadian Urological Association Journal, 18(1), E19-E25.
- Ilie, G., MacDonald, C., Richman, H., Rendon, R., Mason, R., et al. (2023). Assessing the Efficacy of a 28-Day Comprehensive Online Prostate Cancer Patient Empowerment Program (PC-PEP) in Facilitating Engagement of Prostate Cancer Patients in Their Survivorship Care: A Qualitative Study. Current Oncology, 30(9), 8633-8652.
- Ilie, G., & Rutledge, R. (2023). Reply to Zhipeng Mai, Weigang Yan, and Zhien Zhou’s Letter to the Editor re: Gabriela Ilie, Ricardo Rendon, Ross Mason, et al. European Urology, 84, e48-e49.
- Burge, L., Ilie, G., MacDonald, C., & Riel, H., et al. (2023). Changes in Stress Reduction Following a 28-Day Prostate Cancer Patient Empowerment Program (PC-PEP) among Prostate Cancer Survivors. Current Oncology, 30, 7936-7949.
- Ilie, G., & Rutledge, R. (2023). Reply to André Pontes-Silva's Letter to the Editor re: Gabriela Ilie, Ricardo Rendon, et al. European Urology, 83, 561-570.
- Ilie, G., & Rutledge, R. (2023). Reply to Mauricio Plata, Cesar Diaz Ritter, and Nicolás Badillo’s Letter to the Editor re: Gabriela Ilie, Ricardo Rendon, Ross Mason, et al. European Urology, 84, e26-e27.
- Hood, K., Sweeney, E., Ilie, G., Keltie, E., & Kim, J. (2023). Toenail arsenic species and metallome profiles associated with breast, cervical, prostate, and skin cancer prevalence in the Atlantic Partnership for Tomorrow’s Health cohort. Frontiers in Public Health, 11, 1148283.
- Ilie, G., MacDonald, C., Richman, H., Rendon, R., & Mason, R. (2023). A qualitative and quantitative evaluation of a 28-day comprehensive, online Prostate Cancer Patient Empowerment Program in activating the engagement of patients in their survivorship care. Canadian Urological Association Journal, 17(6), S113-S123.
- Ilie, G. Rendon R, Mason R, .. Rutledge R. “A Comprehensive 6-mo Prostate Cancer Patient Empowerment Program Decreases Psychological Distress Among Men Undergoing Curative Prostate Cancer Treatment: A Randomized Clinical Trial”. European Urology, In print.
- Ilie G*, Rutledge R, Sweeney E: An Examination of the Role of Socioeconomic Status in the Relationship between Depression and Prostate Cancer Survivorship in a Population-Based Sample of Men from Atlantic Canada. Oncology 2021;99:260-270. doi: 10.1159/000512444
- André J. McDonald, Steven Cook, Nigel E. Turner, Anca R. Ialomiteanu, Robert E. Mann, Susan J. Bondy, Michael Roerecke, John McCready, Dov Millstone, Hayley A. Hamilton, Tara Elton-Marshall, Jürgen Rehm, Paul Kurdyak, Gabriela Ilie, Evelyn R. Vingilis, Christine M. Wickens, Mark van der Maas, Michael D. Cusimano. Adult attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder symptoms and psychological distress, hazardous drinking, and problem gambling: A population-based study. Psychiatry Research, 2021;301:113985..
- Gillis C, Ilie G*, Mason R, Bailly G, Lawen J, Bowes D, Patil N, Wilke D, Rutledge RDH, Bell D, Rendon R. Personality Traits and Urinary Symptoms Are Associated with Mental Health Distress in Patients with a Diagnosis of Prostate Cancer. Current Oncology. 2021; 28(4):2993-3002.
- Ilie G*, Rutledge R, Sweeney E. Post-Treatment Adverse Health Correlates among Prostate Cancer Survivors in a Sample of Men Residing in Atlantic Canada. Current Oncology. 2021; 28(4):2812-2822.
- Louise Moodie, Gabriela Ilie*, Rob Rutledge, Andreou Pantelis, Susan Kirkland. (2020, November). Assessment of Current Mental Health Status in a Population-Based Sample of Canadian Men With and Without a History of Prostate Cancer Diagnosis: An Analysis of the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA). Frontiers in Psychiatry, 16(11), 586260. doi:10.3389/fpsyt.2020.586260
- Singh S, Adisesh A, Ilie G*, McDonald TJ. An examination of the association between lifetime history of prostate and pancreatic cancer diagnosis and occupation in a population sample of Canadians. PLOS One, 2020; 15(2): e0227622.
- Gabriela Ilie*, Joshua White, Ross Mason, Ricardo Rendon, Greg Bailly, Joseph Lawen, David Bowes, Nikhilesh Patil, Derek Wilke, Cody MacDonald, Robert Rutledge, David Bell. (2020, October). Current Mental Distress Among Men With a History of Radical Prostatectomy and Related Adverse Correlates. American Journal of Men's Health, 14(5), 1557988320957535. doi:10.1177/1557988320957535
- Gabriela Ilie*, Joshua White, Ross Mason, Ricardo Rendon, Greg Bailly, Joseph Lawen, David Bowes, Nikhilesh Patil, Derek Wilke, Cody MacDonald, Robert Rutledge, David Bell. (2020, October). Current Mental Distress Among Men With a History of Radical Prostatectomy and Related Adverse Correlates. American Journal of Men's Health, 14(5), 1557988320957535. doi:10.1177/1557988320957535
- Carpino M, Ilie G, Langile D, Asbridge M. (2020, September). Cannabis-related driving and passenger behaviours among high school students: a cross-sectional study using survey data. CMAJ Open, 8(4), E754. doi:10.9778/cmajo.20200081
- Ilie G*, Tremhold M, Boak A, Mann RE, Adlaf EM, Asbridge M, Hamiltonn H, Rehm J, Rutledge R, Cusimano M. (2020). Adolescent traumatic brain injuries: Onset, mechanism and links with current academic performance and physical injuries. PLOS One, 15(3), e0229489. doi:
- Turner NE, Cook S, Shi J, Elton-Marshall T, Hamilton H, Ilie G, Wickens MC, McDonald AJ, Trajtenberg N, Cusimano M, Mann RE. (2020, October). Traumatic brain injuries and problem gambling in youth: Evidence from a population-based study of secondary students in Ontario, Canada. Plos One, 15(10), e0239661. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0239661
- Gabriela Ilie*, Robert Rutledge, Ellen Sweeney. (2020). Anxiety and depression symptoms in adult males in Atlantic Canada with or without a lifetime history of prostate cancer. Psycho-Oncology, 29(2), 280-286. doi:10.1002/pon.5244
- Cook S, Turner N, Ialomiteanu AR, Mann R, Bondy S, Roerecke M, McCready J, Millstone D, Hamilton H, Elton-Marshall T, Rehm J, Kurdyak P, Ilie G, Vingilis E, Wickens C, van der Maas M, Cusimano M. (2020). Adult Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Symptoms and Psychological Distress, Hazardous Drinking, and Problem Gambling. A population Based study. Psychiatric Research, 11.
- Gabriela Ilie*, Morgan MacDonald, David Bell, Ricardo Rendon, Gavin Langille, Gregory Bailly, Ross Mason, David Bowes, Derek Wilke, Nikhilesh Patil, Joseph Lawen, John Grantmyre, Robert Thompson, Cody MacDonald, Padraic O'Malley, Larry Pan, Scott Bagnell, Holly Campbell, Mathew Acker, Peter Massaro, Dave Padmore, Robert D.H. Rutledge. (2020). An Examination of the Relationship Between Mental Distress, Functional and Psychosocial Quality of Life Indicators in a Population-Based Sample of Prostate Cancer Survivors Who Received Curative Treatment (American Urologic Association, Ed.). Urology Practice, 23(2), 10-15. doi:10.1097/UPJ.0000000000000104
- Dahn H, Thomson C, Bowes D, Ilie G, Rutledge R. “Resilience by Design” - Description of a Pilot Radiation Oncology Wellness Program. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 2020;139: S47.
- Ilie G, Mason R, Bell D, Bailley G, Rendon RA, Mann R, Lawen JG, Bowes D, Wilke D, Patil N, Rutledge RDH. Development and Initial Evaluation of Multifaceted Intervention to Improve Mental Health and Quality of Life Among Prostate Cancer Survivors. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 2019;1-14.
- Ilie G, Bradfield JA, Moodie L, Lawen T, Ilie AI, Lawen Z, Blackman C, Gainer R, Rutledge RDH. The role of response-shift in studies assessing quality of life outcomes among cancer patients: A systematic review. Frontiers in Oncology, 2019;9:783.
- Turner NE, McDonald AJ, Ialomiteanu AR, Mann RE, McCready J, Millstone D, Hamilton H, Elton-Marshall T, RehmJ, Kurdyak P, Ilie G, Wickens CM, Lan Le T, van der Maas M, Faregh N, Cook S, Bondy S, Sanchez S, Cusimano MD. Moderate to severe gambling problems and traumatic brain injury: A population-based study. Psychiatric Research, 2019; 272:692-697.
- Nussbaum D, MacEacheron M, Douglass M, Watson M, Daoud S, Ilie G, DeKeseredy W. Modeling of forensic population current crime severity, based on past crime severity. American Journal of Forensic Psychology, 2019;37(1):5-40.
- Ilie G, Wickens CM, Ialomiteanu A, Adlaf EM, Asbridge M, Hamilton H, Mann RE, Rehm J, Rutledge R, Cusimano MD. Traumatic brain injury and hazardous/harmfl drinking: concurrent and single associations with poor mental health and roadway aggression. Psychiatric Research, 2019;272:458-466.
- Moran K, Sinclair L. Freire S, Bowes, D., Best L, Cherpack A, Darling M, Day T, Trask J, Ilie G*. Describing a process for creating a patient visible quality educational display to increase patient engagement in Radiation Oncology throughout the Canadian Maritimes Provinces, Journal of Cancer Education, 2018 (accepted July 11, 2018)
- Karkada M, Costa AF, Imran SA, Hart R, Bullock M, Ilie G, Rajaraman M. Incomplete thyroid ultrasound reports in patients with thyroid nodules: implications regarding risk assessment and management. American Journal of Roentgenology, 2018 (accepted May 29, 2018)
- Ilie G.*, Adlaf EM, Mann RE, Ialomiteanu A, Hamilton H, Rehm J, Asbridge M, Cusimano, M.D. Associations between self-reported lifetime history of traumatic brain injuries and current disability assessment in a population sample of Canadian adults, 2018. Plos One Journal.
- Wickens CM, Flam-Zalcman R, Stoduto G, Docherty C, Watson TM, van der Maas, M., Brands B, Ilie G., Justin Matheson, Robert E Mann, Rita K Thomas. The Impact of Remedial Programme Participation on Convicted Drinking Drivers’ Alcohol and Other Drug Use 6 Months Following Programme Completion. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 2018. 16: 598.
- Wickens, C.M., Flam-Zalcman R., Mann R.E., Stoduto G, Nochajski T, Koski-Jännes A, Herie M, Watkin-Merek L, Rush B, Thomas RK, LaFontaine S, Watson TW, Matheson J, Ilie G, Mehra K, Le TL and Rehm J. Evaluating moderators of beneficial effects of severity-based assignment to substance use treatments in impaired drivers. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 2018 (in print)
- Nussbaum D, MacEacheron M, Douglass MD, Watson M, Daoud SLSB, Ilie G, DeKeseredy W. Towards an empirical method to predict severity of violent recidivism. Criminal Justice and Behaviour, 2018 (in print).
- Ilie, G.*, Wickens, C.M., Vingilis, E.R., Mann, R.E., Hailton, H., Toplak, M., Adlaf, E.M., Kolla, N., Ialomiteanu A. van der Mass, M., Asbridge, M., Rehm, J., Cusimano, M.D. Associations between a history of traumatic brain injuries and conduct disorder during youth in a population sample of Canadian adults. Psychiatry Research, 2017: 258, 184-188.
- Wickens CM, Flam-Zalcmann RF, Mann RE, Stout G, Nochajski T, Koski-Jannes A., Herie M, Watkin-Merek L, Rush B., Thomas RK, Watson TM, Matheson J, Ilie G., Brands B, Rehm J. Evaluating Moderators of beneficial Effects Severity-Based Assignment to Substance Abuse Treatments in Impaired Drivers. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 2018.
- Wickens, C.M., Flam-Zalcman, R., Stoduto, G., Docherty, C., Marie Watson, T., van der Maas, M., Brands, B., Ilie, G., Matheson, J., Mann, R.E., & Thomas, R.K. The Impact of Remedial Programme Participation on Convicted Drinking Drivers’ Alcohol and Other Drug Use 6 Months Following Programme Completion. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction (2017), p.1-19.
- Ilie G*, Wickens CM, Mann RE, Ialomiteanu A, Adlaf EA, Hamilton H, Asbridge M, Rehm J, Cusimano MD. Roadway aggression among drivers and passengers with or without a history of traumatic brain injury. Violence and Victims, Aug 15 2017. doi: 10.1891/0886-6708.VV-D-16-00027. [Epub ahead of print].
- Ilie G*, Mann R., Boak A, Adlaf E, Halimton HA, Rehm J, Cusimano MD. Possession of weapon and school violence among adolescents and their association with history of traumatic brain injury, substance use and mental health issues. Injury, 2017, 48(2); 285-292.
- Cusimano MD, Topolovec-Vranic J, Zhang S, Mullen SJ, Wong M, Ilie G. Factors Influencing the Underreporting of Concussion in Sports: A Qualitative Study of Minor Hockey Participants. Clinical Journal of Sports Medicine 2017, 27(4): 375-380.
- Ilie G*, Cusimano MD, Li W. Prosodic Processing post traumatic brain injury - A systematic review. Systematic reviews 2017; 6: 1. doi: 10.1186/s13643-016-0385-3
- Ilie G*, Mann R., Boak A, Adlaf E, Asbridge M, Rehm J, Cusimano MD. Cross-sectional examination of the association of co-occurring alcohol misuse and traumatic brain injury on mental health and conduct problems in adolescents in Ontario, Canada. British Medical Journal Open – Neurology 2016;6:e011824. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2016-011824.
- Ilie G*, Mann, R. Ialomiteanu A, Adlaf E, Hamilton H, Wickens C, Asbridge M, Rehm J, Cusiamano MD. (2016) Road rage and traffic accidents among adults with a history of traumatic brain injuries. Brain Injury, 30(5-6):753.
- Ilie G*, Mann RE, Adlaf EM, Hamilton H, Asbridge M, Jürgen R, Cusimano DM. (2015) The association between traumatic brain injury and ADHD in a Canadian adult sample. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 69, 174-179.
- Cusimano M, Pshonyak I, Yongjun-Lee M, Ilie, G. (2015) Causes of 30-day readmission after neurosurgery of the spine. Journal of Neurosurgery, 10/2015.
- Ilie G*, Ialomiteanu A, Adlaf EM, Mann RE, Hamilton H, Asbridge M, Jürgen R, Cusimano DM. (2015) Associations between a history of traumatic brain injuries and current cigarette smoking, cannabis use, nonmedical opioid use, and elevated psychological distress in a population sample of Canadian adults. Journal of Neurotrauma, 69:174-179.
- Ilie G*, Mann R, Ialomiteanu A, Adlaf E, Hamilton H, Wickens C, Asbridge M, Rehm J, Cusimano, MD. (2015) Traumatic brain injury, driver aggression and motor vehicle collisions in Canadian adults. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 81: 1-7.
- Ilie G*, Adlaf EM, Mann RE, Boak A, Hamilton H, et al. (2014) The Moderating Effects of Sex and Age on the Association between Traumatic Brain Injury and Harmful Psychological Correlates among Adolescents. PLoS ONE 9(9): e108167.
- Ilie G*, Boak A, Adlaf EM, Mann RE, Hamilton H, Asbridge M, Jürgen R, Cusimano DM. (2014) Suicidality, bullying and other conduct and mental health correlates of traumatic brain injury in adolescents. PLoS One, 9(4); e94936.
- Ilie G*, Boak A, Adlaf EM, Asbridge M, Cusimano MD. (2013) Prevalence and Correlates of Traumatic Brain Injury Among Adolescents. Journal of American Medical Association, 309(24): 1-2.
- Stoduto G, Mann RE, Flam-Zalcman RE, Sharpley J, Brands B, Butters J, Smart RG, Wickens K, Ilie G, Thomas RK. (2013) Impact of Ontario’s remedial program for convicted drinking drivers on substance use and problems. Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice, 201-217.
- Ilie G*, Rehana R. (2013) Effects of individual music playing and music listening on acute stress recovery. Canadian Journal for Music Therapy, 19(1); 23-46.
- Beatrice Hunter Cancer Research Institute, Seed funding recipient, 2020
- Research Nova Scotia, Establishment grant recipient, 2019
- Early Career Investigator Award Program CIHR-ICR, 2019
- Prostate Cancer Canada, Discovery grant recipient, 2018
- CIHR, Secondary Data analysis recipient, 2017
- DMRF Endowed Chair 2016
- Member of the College of Reviewers CIHR, 2016-present
- Centre for Addiction and Mental Health Post-Doctoral Fellowship
- Canadian Institute of Health Research Post-Doctoral Fellowship, St. Michael’s Hospital, Division of Neurosurgery
- Nominated by 500 Students TVO Best Lecturer, University of Toronto 2009, 2010
- NSERC IRDF Doctoral Fellowship
- National Science and Engineering Research Council Canada Graduate Scholarship
- National Science and Engineering Research Council Postgraduate Scholarship
- Member, Dean’s Honour Roll, York University