Andrew Makrigiannis

Related information:
Dr. Makrigiannis is not currently accepting Honours students.
Phone: 902-494-2736
Fax: 902-494-5125
Mailing Address:
Dalhousie University
Sir Charles Tupper Medical Building, Room 7-C2
5850 College Street
PO Box 15000
Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada B3H 4R2
- Natural Killer Cell Biology
- MHC receptors
- NK cell Memory
- Cancer
- Innate Immunity
- Infectious Disease
BSc (Honours), Dalhousie University
PhD, Dalhousie University
Post-doctoral Training, National Cancer Institute - Frederick (NIH)
Research Interests
Dr. Makrigiannis’ research focus is the innate immune system, and in particular Natural Killer (NK) cell recognition of virally-infected or cancerous cells via the polymorphic Ly49 family of class I MHC receptors and the related NKR-P1 receptor family, in order to understand the contribution of NK cell receptors to diseases for translation into clinical therapies.
Selected publications
For a complete list of Dr. Andrew Makrigiannis' publications, click here
Mir Munir A. Rahim, Brendon D. Parsons, Emma L. Price, Patrick D. Slaine, Becca L. Chilvers, Gregory S. Seaton, Andrew Wight, Daniel Medina-Luna, Sayanti Dey, Shannen L. Grandy, Lauryn E. Anderson, Natalia Zamorano Cuervo, Nathalie Grandvaux, Marta M. Gaglia, Alyson A. Kelvin, Denys A. Khaperskyy, Craig McCormick*, Andrew P. Makrigiannis*, Defective Influenza A Virus RNA Products Mediate MAVS-Dependent Upregulation of Human Leukocyte Antigen Class I Proteins, The Journal of Virology, Volume 94, Issue 13, e00165-20 (July 2020) (* denotes co-corresponding authors)
PMID: 32321802
Wight Andrew, Mahmoud Ahmad Bakur, Scur Michal, Tu Megan M, Rahim Mir Munir A, Sad Subash, Makrigiannis Andrew P, Critical role for the Ly49 family of class I MHC receptors in adaptive natural killer cell responses, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Volume 115, Issue 45, 11579-11584 (September 24, 2018)
PMID: 30249666
Aguilar Oscar A, Berry Richard, Rahim Mir Munir A, Reichel Johanna J, Popović Branka, Tanaka Miho, Fu Zhihui, Balaji Gautham R, Lau Timothy N H, Tu Megan M, Kirkham Christina L, Mahmoud Ahmad Bakur, Mesci Aruz, Krmpotić Astrid, Allan David S J, Makrigiannis Andrew P*, Jonjić Stipan*, Rossjohn Jamie*, Carlyle James R*, A Viral Immunoevasin Controls Innate Immunity by Targeting the Prototypical Natural Killer Cell Receptor Family, Cell, Volume 169, Issue 1, 58-71.e14 (March 23, 2017) (* denotes co-corresponding authors)
PMID: 28340350
Mahmoud Ahmad Bakur, Tu Megan M, Wight Andrew, Zein Haggag S, Rahim Mir Munir A, Lee Seung-Hwan, Sekhon Harman S, Brown Earl G, Makrigiannis Andrew P, Influenza Virus Targets Class I MHC-Educated NK Cells for Immunoevasion, PLoS pathogens, Volume 12, Issue 2, e1005446 (February 29, 2016)
PMID: 26928844
Rahim Mir Munir A, Chen Peter, Mottashed Amelia N, Mahmoud Ahmad Bakur, Thomas Midhun J, Zhu Qinzhang, Brooks Colin G, Kartsogiannis Vicky, Gillespie Matthew T, Carlyle James R, Makrigiannis Andrew P, The mouse NKR-P1B:Clr-b recognition system is a negative regulator of innate immune responses, Blood, Volume 125, Issue 14, 2217-27 (January 22, 2015)
PMID: 25612621
Tu Megan M, Mahmoud Ahmad Bakur, Wight Andrew, Mottashed Amelia, Bélanger Simon, Rahim Mir Munir A, Abou-Samra Elias, Makrigiannis Andrew P, Ly49 family receptors are required for cancer immunosurveillance mediated by natural killer cells, Cancer research, Volume 74, Issue 14, 3684-94 (May 6, 2014)
PMID: 24802191
Bélanger Simon, Tu Megan M, Rahim Mir Munir Ahmed, Mahmoud Ahmad B, Patel Rajen, Tai Lee-Hwa, Troke Angela D, Wilhelm Brian T, Landry Josette-Renée, Zhu Qinzhang, Tung Kenneth S, Raulet David H, Makrigiannis Andrew P, Impaired natural killer cell self-education and "missing-self" responses in Ly49-deficient mice, Blood, Volume 120, Issue 3, 592-602 (June 1, 2012) (Highlighted by the Faculty of 1000)
PMID: 22661698
Tai Lee-Hwa, Goulet Marie-Line, Belanger Simon, Toyama-Sorimachi Noriko, Fodil-Cornu Nassima, Vidal Silvia M, Troke Angela D, McVicar Daniel W, Makrigiannis Andrew P, Positive regulation of plasmacytoid dendritic cell function via Ly49Q recognition of class I MHC, The Journal of experimental medicine, Volume 205, Issue 13, 3187-99 (December 15, 2008)
PMID: 19075287
Carlyle James R, Mesci Aruz, Fine Jason H, Chen Peter, Bélanger Simon, Tai Lee-Hwa, Makrigiannis Andrew P, Evolution of the Ly49 and Nkrp1 recognition systems, Seminars in immunology, Volume 20, Issue 6, 321-30 (July 2, 2008)
PMID: 18595730
Colina Rodney, Costa-Mattioli Mauro, Dowling Ryan J O, Jaramillo Maritza, Tai Lee-Hwa, Breitbach Caroline J, Martineau Yvan, Larsson Ola, Rong Liwei, Svitkin Yuri V, Makrigiannis Andrew P, Bell John C, Sonenberg Nahum, Translational control of the innate immune response through IRF-7, Nature, Volume 452, Issue 7185, 323-8 (February 13, 2008)
PMID: 18272964
MICI 2100: Introductory Microbiology and Immunology
Memberships, Services and Activities
- Senior Scientist - Beatrice Hunter Cancer Research Institute
- Member – Canadian Society for Immunology
- Member – Society for Natural Immunity
Selected awards and honours
2014 Canada Research Chair, Tier II
2009 Canada Research Chair, Tier II
2006 Canadian Society for Immunology New Investigator Award
2003 CIHR New Investigator Salary Support Award
Office Hours
Please make an appointment with Mary Ellen Doolittle
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