Jun Wang

Email: jun.wang@dal.ca
Phone: 902-470-7505
Fax: 902-470-7232
Mailing Address:
IWK Health Center
Goldbloom RCC Pavilion, 3rd floor West
5850 University Avenue
Halifax Nova Scotia Canada B3K 6R8
Research Topics:Goldbloom RCC Pavilion, 3rd floor West
5850 University Avenue
Halifax Nova Scotia Canada B3K 6R8
- Chlamydia
- Cellular Immunology
- B Cells
- Inflammation
- IL-17
- Vaccinology
- Tumour Immunology
MSc, University of Rochester
PhD, McMaster University
Postdoctoral Training, McMaster University
Research interests
Professor Wang’s research interests include (1) understanding the role of regulatory T cells and IL-17/IL-17R axis in host responses to intracellular bacterial infection and cancer; (2) development of prophylactic and/or therapeutic vaccines against infection and cancer.
Selected publications
- Moore-Connors JM, Kim HS, Marshall JS, Stadnyk AW, Halperin SA, and Wang J. CD43-, but not CD43+, CD1dhiCD5+IL-10-producing B cells suppress type 1 immune responses during C. muridarum genital tract infection. Mucosal Immunology (18 June 2014) | doi:10.1038/mi.2014.45 (Impact Factor: 7.38)
- Moore-Connors JM, Fraser R, Halperin SA and Wang J. CD4+Foxp3+CD25+ regulatory T cells promote Th17 and genital tract inflammation upon Chlamydia infection. J Immunol. 2013 Sep 15;191(6):3430-9. (Impact Factor: 5.52, cited 7 times by July 2014)
- Zhou X, Chen RQ, Moore JM, Kolls JK, Halperin S, Wang J. Critical role of IL-17/IL-17R axis in regulating host susceptibility to respiratory Chlamydia infection. Infect Immun. 2009; 77:5059-5070. (Impact Factor:4.06, cited 41 times by July 2014) (This paper was one of the articles of significant interest selected from the issue by the editors and highlighted in the Spotlight section of the issue).
- Wang J, Thorson L, Stokes RW, Santosuosso M, Huygen K, Zganiacz A, Hitt M, Xing, Z. Single mucosal, but not parenteral, immunization with recombinant adenoviral-based vaccine provides potent protection from pulmonary tuberculosis. J Immunol. 2004;173:6357-6365. (Impact Factor: 5.52, Cited 228 times by July 2014)
Selected awards and honours
- CIHR/NSHRF New Investigator Award (2007-2012)
- IWK Investigatorship Award (2006-2010)
- CIHR/Canadian Lung Association Postdoctoral Fellowship (1999-2003)
Other interests and achievements
- Editorial Board member of Journal of Vaccines & Immunization, NobleResearch Publishing Group, UK