Adam Huber, MD
Division Head of Pediatric Rheumatology, Professor

Phone: 902-470-8827
Fax: 902-470-7217
Mailing Address:
IWK Health Centre
PO Box 9700
5850-5980 University Ave.
Halifax, NS B3K 6R8
- Pediatric rheumatic disease
- Juvenile arthritis
- Juvenile dermatomyositis
- Juvenile systemic lupus erythematosus
- Pediatric-onset vasculitis
- Other rare disorders of systemic inflammation in children
Dr. Huber is a professor of pediatrics and a pediatric rheumatologist with a master’s of science in clinical epidemiology. He has expertise in the diagnosis and management of a wide variety of pediatric rheumatic illnesses with a particular interest in juvenile dermatomyositis.
- BA (University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC)
- MD (University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC)
- FRCPC Pediatrics (Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario, Ottawa, ON)
- FRCPC Rheumatology (Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, ON)
- MSc (University of Toronto, ON)
Research and/or clinical interests:
Dr. Huber is involved in a wide variety of clinical and clinical trial research investigating causes and treatments of pediatric rheumatic illnesses. His particular area of interest is in the assessment and management of children with juvenile dermatomyositis.
Selected publications:
- Guzman J, Oen K, Tucker LB, Huber AM, Shiff N, Boire G, Scuccimarri R, Berard R, Tse SML, Morishita K, Stringer E, Johnson N, Levy DM, Watanabe Duffy K, Cabral DA, Rosenberg AM, Larché M, Dancey P, Petty RE, Laxer RM, Silverman E, Miettunen P, Chetaille AL, Haddad E, Houghton K, Spiegel L, Turvey SE, Schmeling H, Lang B, Ellsworth J, Ramsey S, Bruns A, Campillo S, Benseler S, Chédeville G, Schneider R, Yeung R, Duffy CM; ReACCh-Out investigators. The Outcomes of Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis in Children Managed with Contemporary Treatments: Results from the ReACCh-Out cohort. Ann Rheum Dis 2015;74(10):1854-60
- Huber AM, Mamyrova G, Lachenbruch PA, Lee JA, Katz JD, Targoff IN, Miller FW, Rider LG, Childhood Myositis Heterogeneity Study Group. Early Illness Features Associated with Mortality in the Juvenile Idiopathic Inflammatory Myopathies. Arthritis Care Res (Hokoken) 2014;66(5):732-740
- Huber AM, Robinson AB, Reed AM, Abramson L, Bout-Tabaku S, Carrasco R, Curran M, Feldman BM, Gewanter H, Griffin T, Haines K, Hoeltzel MF, Isgro J, Kahn P, Lang B, Lawler P, Shaham B, Schmeling H, Scuccimarri R, Shishov M, Stringer E, Wohrley J, Ilowite NT, Wallace C, and members of the Juvenile Dermatomyositis Sub-Committee of the Children’s Arthritis and Rheumatology Research Alliance. Consensus Treatments for Moderate Juvenile Dermatomyositis: Beyond the First Two Months Results of the Second Children’s Arthritis and Rheumatology Research Alliance Consensus Conference. Arthritis Care Res 2012;64(4):546-553
- Huber AM, Gaboury I, Cabral DA, Lang B, Ni A, Stephure D, Taback S, Dent P, Ellsworth J, Leblanc C, St. Cyr C, Scuccimarri R, Hay J, Lentle B, Matzinger M, Shenouda N, Moher D, Rauch F, Siminoski K, Ward LM and the Canadian STOPP Consortium. Prevalent vertebral fractures among children initiating glucocorticoid therapy for the treatment of rheumatic disorders. Arthritis Care Res 2010;62(4):516-526
- Huber AM, Giannini EH, Bowyer SL, Kim S, Lang B, Lindsley CB, Pachman LM, Pilkington C, Reed AM, Rennebohm RM, Rider LG, Wallace CA, Feldman BM. Protocols for the initial treatment of moderately severe juvenile dermatomyositis: Results of a Children's Arthritis and Rheumatology Research Alliance Consensus Conference. Arthritis Care Res 2010;62(2):219-25
Awards and Honours:
- Abraham Shore Memorial Lecturer, Visiting Professor, Sherbrooke, QC, May 7, 2013, “Juvenile Idiopathic Inflammatory Myopathies: Lessons From Rare Complex Illnesses”
- Department of Pediatrics Visiting Professor, St. John Regional Hospital, St. John, New Brunswick, January 21, 2009, “Autoimmune and Autoinflammatory: A Paradigm of Rheumatic Disease”
- Phil Rosen Award for Best Clinical Presentation, Canadian Rheumatology Association Annual Meeting, Lake Louise, February 23-26, 2000, “Validation of the Childhood Health Assessment Questionnaire in Juvenile Idiopathic Inflammatory Myopathy”
Services and activities:
- Childhood Arthritis and Rheumatology Research Alliance, Juvenile Dermatomyositis sub-committee, Vice-Chair 2009-2015, Chair 2015-present
- IWK Health Centre Research Ethics Board, co-Chair 2004-2010, 2011-present
- IWK Health Centre Grand Rounds Committee, Chair 2013-present
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