Douglas D. McMillan, MD, FRCPC
Division of Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine, Professor Emeritus

Phone: 902-470-8803
Fax: 902-470-6469
Mailing Address:
IWK Health Centre
5850/5980 University Avenue
P.O. Box 9700
Halifax, NS B3K 6R8
- Global maternal and child health
- Newborn clinical care
- Practice guidelines
- Neonatal intensive care
- Program development
- Neonatal resuscitation
- Quality improvement
- Fellowship in Pediatric Pulmonary Disease and Neonatology (Cardiovascular Research Institute, University of California Medical Center)
- Pediatric residency (Foothills Provincial General Hospital, University of Calgary, Calgary)
- MD (University of Alberta)
- BSc (University of Alberta)
Initially at the University of Calgary (currently professor emeritus), Dr. McMillan was Chief of the Division of Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine (1980-1995). In 2004, he moved to Dalhousie University and the IWK Health Centre (Division Head, 2004-2009) where he currently holds a university post-retirement position and is currently Interim Division Head.
Research interests
Dr. McMillan’s research during his career includes studies in basic sciences, clinical trials, ethics, epidemiology and education. He has been actively involved in education of various health care professionals, including being the director of the Fellowship Program in Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine both in Calgary and Halifax. Most of his current research focuses on newborn care programs in the developing world.
Selected publications (last 3 years)
- Almudeer A, McMillan D, O'Connell C, El-Naggar W. Do we need an intubation-skilled person at all high-risk deliveries? J Peds 2015, 171:55-59.
- Thukral A, Lockyer J, Bucher S, Berkelhamer S, Bose C, Deorari A, Esamai F, Faremo S, Keenan W, McMillan D, Niermeyer S and Singhal N. Evaluation of an educational program for essential newborn care in resource-limited settings. Essential Care for Every Baby. BCM Pediatrics 2015, 15:71.
- Keir A, Aziz K, McMillan D, Monterrosa L, Ojah C, Lee S, and Shah P. Red blood cell transfusions at 21 days of age or older in previously transfusion-naïve very preterm infants: Association with neonatal outcomes. Am J Perinatol 2015, 32(12):1139-1144.
- Lodha A, Seshia M, McMillan D, Barrington K, Yang J, Lee S, and Shah P for the Canadian Neonatal Network. Association of early caffeine administration and neonatal outcomes in very preterm neonates. JAMA Pediatrics 2015, 169(1):33-38.
- Lee S, Shah P, Singhal N, Aziz K, Synnes A, McMillan D and Seshia M for the Canadian EPIQ Study Group. Association of a quality improvement program with neonatal outcomes in extremely preterm infants: A prospective cohort study. CMAJ 2014 (September), 186(13):E485-E494.
- Campbell-Yeo M, Deorari A, McMillan D, Singhal N, Vatsa M, Aylward D, Scotland J, Kumar P, Joshi M, Kalyan G and Dol J. Educational barriers of nurses caring for sick and at-risk infants in India. International Nursing Review 2014 (September), 61(3): 398-405.
- Haddad H, Lee K-S, Higgins A, McMillan D, Price V and El-Naggar W. Routine Surveillance Ultrasound for the Management of Central Venous Catheters in Neonates. The Journal of Pediatrics 2014, 164(1): 118-122.
- Nili F, McLeod L, O'Connell C, Sutton E and McMillan D. Outcomes of Pregnancies in Women with Suspected Antiphospholipid Syndrome: A Population Study. Journal of Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine 2013, 6(3):225-230.
- Nili F, McLeod L, O`Connell C, Sutton E, and McMillan D. Maternal and Neonatal Outcomes in Pregnancies Complicated by Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: A Population Based Study. J Obstet Gynaecol Can 2013, 35(4):323-328.
Memberships, services and activities
- IPA 2016 Congress President, Executive, International Pediatric Association
- President, Irish and American Paediatric Society, 1995-1997
- President, Canadian Paediatric Society (including Sections on International Health and Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine), 2002-2003
- Member, Helping Babies Survive Advisory Group, Global Developmental Alliance
- International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR) – Neonatal Task Force
- Global Health – Helping Babies Breathe, Essential Care for Every Baby, Essential Care for Small Babies
- Pediatric Residents and Fellows in Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine – Clinical Care and Mentoring
Awards and honours
- American Academy of Pediatrics District VIII, Perinatal Pediatrics Section – Founders Award, 2015
- Section of Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine, Canadian Paediatric Society – Distinguished Neonatologist Award, 2013
- Canadian Paediatric Society – Life Membership, 2013