Joanna Holland, MD
Division of General Pediatrics, Associate Professor, Program Director Pediatric Undergraduate Medical Education

Related Information
- Twitter: @joannalh
Phone: 902-470-8534
Fax: 902-470-6913
Mailing Address:
Division of General Pediatrics
IWK Health Centre
PO Box 9700
5850-5980 University Ave.
Halifax, NS B3K 6R8
Research Topics:IWK Health Centre
PO Box 9700
5850-5980 University Ave.
Halifax, NS B3K 6R8
- Pediatrics
- Medical education
- Patient safety
- Pediatric Residency (University of Toronto)
- MD (University of Toronto)
- MSc (McGill University)
- BSc (McGill University)
- Assistant professor, Division of General Pediatrics, Dalhousie University
- Director of Pediatric Undergraduate Medical Education, Dalhousie University
Research interests
Dr. Holland’s research interests include undergraduate and postgraduate medical education, and patient safety in pediatrics.
Selected publications
- Martin, A. MacDonald, J and Holland, J. Completeness of medication reconciliation by pediatric residents at hospital admission for asthma. Canadian Journal of Hospital Pharmacy 2021. 74(1): 30-35
- Alexandra Hudson, Robyn McLaughlin, Stephen Miller, Joanna Holland, Kim Blake. Canadian medical schools’ pre-clerkship Pediatric clinical skills curricula: How can we improve? Paediatrics and Child Health 2020. 25(8): 505-510
- Christopher J. Parshuram et. al. for the Canadian Critical Care Trials Group and the EPOCH Investigators. Effect of a Pediatric Early Warning System on All-Cause Mortality in Hospitalized Pediatric Patients. The EPOCH Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA. 2018;319(10):1002-1012 (as part of EPOCH Investigator group)
- Delva D, Sargeant J, Miller S, Holland J, Alexiadis Brown P, Leblanc C, Lightfoot K, Mann K. Encouraging residents to seek feedback. Med Teach. 2013 December 35(12):e1625-31
- Beck CE, Choong K, Puligandla PS, Hartfield D, Holland J, Lacroix J, Friedman JN. Avoiding hypotonic solutions in paediatrics: keeping our patients safe. Paediatr Child Health 2013;18:94-95
Selected awards and hnours
- Silver Spoon Award 2014/2015 (teaching award, chosen by Pediatric residents)
- Certificate of Excellence in Pediatric Undergraduate Education 2013 - Undergraduate Pediatrics