Kim Blake, MD
Division of General Pediatrics, Professor

Related information
Phone: 902-470-6499
Fax: 902-470-6913
Mailing Address:
Division of General Pediatrics
IWK Health Centre
PO Box 9700
5850-5980 University Ave.
Halifax, NS B3K 6R8
Research Topics:IWK Health Centre
PO Box 9700
5850-5980 University Ave.
Halifax, NS B3K 6R8
- CHARGE syndrome
- Medical education research
- Adolescent standardized patients
- Constructive feedback
- Gut motility
- MBBS (St Bartholomew's Hospital University of London UK)
- FRCPC (Canada)
Research interests
Dr. Blake is a clinician researcher interested in medical education and CHARGE syndrome. She has developed the Structured Adolescent Communication Guide (SCAG) which is used for the teaching and assessment of medical students and residents in their adolescent interviewing. She is also known internationally for her research in CHARGE syndrome.
Selected publications
- Hudson, A., MacDonald, M., Friedman, JN., Blake K. CHARGE syndrome gastrointestinal involvement: From mouth to anus. Clinical Genetics. 2016, Oct. 13.
- Joukhadar N, Bourget G, Manos S, Mann K, Hatchette J, Blake K. . Skills for Interviewing Adolescent Patients: Sustainability of Structured Feedback in Undergraduate Education on Performance in Residency. J. Grad Med Educ. 2016 Jul;8(3): 422-5. DOI: 10.4300/JGME-D-15-00297.1
- Trider CL, Arra-Robar A, van Ravenswaaij-Arts C, Blake K. Developing a CHARGE syndrome checklist: Health supervision across the lifespan (from head to toe). Am J Med Genet A. 2017 Mar;173(3): 684-691 . DOI:10.1002/ajmg.a.38085
- Blake, K. & Hudson, A. Gastointestional and Feeding Difficulties in CHARGE Syndrome: A Review from Head to Toe; AJMG 2017, Oct. 30. DOI:10.1002/ajmg.c.31586
- Hudson A, Colp M, Blake K. Pocketing of food in cheeks during eating in an adolescent with CHARGE syndrome. J Paediatr Child Health. 2015 Nov;51(11):1143-4. DOI: 10.1111/jpc.13012; Final Issue published April, 2018
- Bourget, G., Joukhadar, N., Manos, S., Mann, K., Hatchette, J., and Blake, K. Adolescent interviewing skills: Effect of feedback. Accepted in Clinical Teacher, Published March 2017; DOI 10.1111/tct.12632. Final article published April 2018
- Kellie Cloney, Shelby L. Steele, Matthew R. Stoyek, Roger P. Croll, Frank M. Smith, Sergey V. Prykhozhihj, Mary M. Brown, Craig Midgen, Kim Blake, Jason N. Berman.”Etiology and functional validation of gastrointestinal motility dysfunction in a zebrafish model of CHARGE syndrome” The FEEBS Journal/Volume 285, Issue 11 Published April 16, 2018,
- Hudson, A, Miller, S, Holland, J, McLaughlin, R, Blake, K, Paediatrics & Child Health – “Canadian medical schools pre-clerkship Pediatric clinical skills curricula: How can we improve? Published October 6, 2019 DOI:10.1093/pch/pxz106.
- Morrison, J, Fisher, B, Arra, A, Bezuhly, J, Blake, K. Journal of Medical Genetics – “Case of migraine treatment in a patient with a clinical diagnosis of CHARGE syndrome using onabotulinum toxin A” May 18th, 2021
- The Canadian Journal of Diagnosis - “Weight loss during a pandemic”. Ilana Walters, Kim Blake. Vol. 38, No. 1; March/April/May 2021
- Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health – “New feeding Assessment Scale for individuals with genetic syndromes: Validity and reliability in the CHARGE syndrome population” Alexandra Hudson, Kasee Stratton-Gadke, Jill Hatchette, Kim Blake. March 2021
Selected awards and honours
- Silver Shovel Award for Exemplary Teaching in Clerkship, 1999
- Silver Shovel Award for Exemplary Teaching in Clerkship, 2000
- “A Star in CHARGE Award” awarded by the parents of the International CHARGE Foundation Conference, 2001
- Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians (Canada)
- Canadian Pediatric Society (CPS)
- Canadian Association of Medical Education (CAME)
- Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada (AFMC)
- CHARGE Canada and CHARGE Foundation USA