Dr Jesse Spooner

Mailing Address:
Hometown: Campbell River, BC, Canada
Bachelor of Science, University of Victoria- Honours in Microbiology
Doctor of Medicine- University of British Columbia
Current Projects
Natural history of locally advanced renal cell carcinoma: A Canadian population-based analysis
Severe ureteropelvic junction obstruction (UPJO)-like hydronephrosis in asymptotic infants: To operate or not
Spooner, Jesse, Tarek Lawen, and Jesse Ory. “Triaging Urological Surgeries to Cope with the Coronavirus-19 Pandemic.” Current Opinion in Urology 32, no. 2 (March 2022): 131–40. https://doi.org/10.1097/MOU.0000000000000956.
Spooner, Jesse TR, Wyatt MacNevin, and John Grantmyre. “Impact of Virtual Education on Urology Education during the COVID-19 Pandemic.” Canadian Urological Association Journal 17, no. 8 (2023). https://cuaj.ca/index.php/journal/article/view/8232.
White, Joshua, Ross Mason, Tarek Lawen, Jesse Spooner, Kauy Vm Faria, Farah Rahman, and Ranjith Ramasamy. “Therapeutic Approaches to Penile Cancer: Standards of Care and Recent Developments.” Research and Reports in Urology Volume 15 (June 2023): 165–74. https://doi.org/10.2147/RRU.S387228.
I grew up on Vancouver Island, British Columbia. I grew up playing hockey as my main sport, but soon realized being a benchwarmer wasn’t my calling. I chose to study medicine instead, and got my honours degree in Microbiology in Victoria, BC then continued my education at the University of British Columbia where I got my medical degree. Throughout medical school I picked up triathlons and completed an ironman in July 2019, and trained Brazilian jiu jitsu throughout. (I also play golf, but even typing about my ability to golf spikes my blood pressure to unhealthy levels).
I am beyond thrilled to be part of the Urology team here at Dalhousie!