Dr.  Martha Foley


Mailing Address: 
Room 294, 5 Victoria, VG Site 1276 South Park Street Halifax, NS B3H 2Y9

Hometown: London, ON

BSc Biology (Honours), University of Western Ontario
BSc Kinesiology (Honours), University of New Brunswick
MD, Dalhousie University

Current Projects

Impact of the Prostate Empowerment Program (PC-PEP) on Quality-Adjusted Life Years (QALYs): A Secondary Analysis of a Randomized Clinical Trial

The kinetics of prostate specific antigen (PSA) in advanced prostate cancer patients while receiving treatment: A retrospective chart review


Foley, Martha E., Amanda J. Vinson, Thomas A. A. Skinner, Bryce A. Kiberd, and Karthik K. Tennankore. “The Impact of Combined Warm and Cold Ischemia Time on Post-Transplant Outcomes.” Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease 10 (January 2023): 205435812311789. https://doi.org/10.1177/20543581231178960.


Canadian Urologic Oncology Group 2023 Research Grant
The kinetics of prostate specific antigen (PSA) in advanced prostate cancer patients while receiving treatment: A retrospective chart review


I grew up in London, Ontario but made the move to the Maritimes a few years before medical school to be closer to family and never looked back! I hold degrees from UWO and UNB, and had a brief career as a data scientist prior to entering medicine. Outside of work, I can be found running through the woods, trying new restaurants with friends, or tending to my veggie garden in the summer. I am absolutely thrilled to be continuing my education at Dalhousie with the Urology team and look forward to the next 5 years.