Single Cell

Perform your next single cell gene expression analysis with our 10X Genomics Chromium Connect instrument.

We offer :-

  • 3' single cell or nucleus gene expression
  • 5' single cell or nucleus gene expression
  • Single nucleus ATAC-Seq
  • Flex


How many cells do I need to run single cell RNASeq?

The 10X Genomics Chromium Connect system allows for the analysis of 1,000 to 20,000 cells per sample. We usually required at least 50,000 cells to start the assay.

Samples can be brought to us directly or after sorting in the Flow Core lab.

If you have fewer than 50,000 cells we may still be able to work with your sample in specific cases, you can email to discuss your project.

Does single cell RNASeq cover the entire transcript or just the 3' or 5' ends?

The 10X Genomics Chromium analyzes short (<100bp) reads located near the 3' or 5' ends of the transcripts. This allows you to obtain gene expression data at a low cost from up to 20,000 cells.

How many genes does the 10X detect?

This answer is complex, and is highly dependant on the cell type you're using. Cancerous cells or large, fast growing cells in culture can have 5,000 genes detected per cell. Smaller cells (eg primary immune cells, or cells that are less active) may only have 1,000-3,000 genes detected per cell.

What other RNA detection methods can I use if single cell is not suitable?

We also have a qRT-PCR instrument that's available for you to use. This is suitable if you have specific genes that you're interested in for smaller numbers of cells.

Can I use the equipment on my own?

Unfortunately we do not offer training on the single cell equipment at this time.

Can I speak to someone?

Absolutely, you can email us at and we'll be happy to work with you on your next project or grant application.
