Research in the Motor Control Lab is conducted by a dynamic team of top-notch postdoctoral fellows who work alongside experienced research technicians and talented graduate and undergraduate students. Dr. Rob Brownstone provides research leadership and academic supervision in an open teamwork environment.
The members of the Motor Control Lab work in close proximity to several other research teams led by principal investigators in closely related fields. These investigators, in collaboration with Dr. Brownstone, form the scientific core of the Atlantic Mobility Action Project, a regional multi-disciplinary collaboration that aims to restore lost function in people with mobility problems. The lab is also a close neighbour of the Brain Repair Centre, providing many opportunities for cross-pollination of ideas among neuroscience researchers.
Meet our principal investigator
Rob Brownstone, MD, PhD, FRCSC
Dr. Rob Brownstone is a professor in the Departments of Surgery and Medical Neuroscience at Dalhousie University and a neurosurgeon at the QEII Health Sciences Centre in Halifax, Nova Scotia. As a functional neurosurgeon, he implants deep-brain stimulation devices in people with Parkinson’s disease, tremor, and other movement disorders, and spinal cord stimulators in people with pain syndromes. He also performs surgeries for people with epilepsy. As a scientist, he explores the fundamental nature of the neural circuits that control our ability to move. Read more…
Meet our staff and trainees
Laboratory staff
Angel Alcos, lab manager
Nadia Farbstein, research technician
Postdoctoral fellows
Tuan Bui
Pratip Mitra
Izabela Panek
Research associate
Graduate students
Philippe Magown, PhD candidate
Lina Koronfel, MSc student
Honours student
Abi Thana, BSc (honours) student