Med 3 (Clerkship)

Giving you hands-on, clinical experience
During the third and fourth years of the MD program (Med 3 and 4), you'll participate in a variety of clerkship experiences that provide hands-on opportunities to learn and develop clinical skills. In Med 3, clerkships rotate across the Maritimes.
There are two clerkship tracks that students may follow for Med 3 – the Traditional Block Clerkship (TBC) or the Longitudinal Integrated Clerkship Dalhousie (LIC)*. For both tracks, you'll be introduced to a variety of clinical disciplines over a period of several weeks.
A detailed explanation of each unit is available at Starting your clerkship.
* The longitudinal integrated clerkship is for a limited number of Med 3 students. The core clerkship units are organized into an integrated community-based program (i.e., students in the LICD do not follow the traditional, block-based Med 3 clerkship program). The emphasis for the LICD is on the continuity of patient-centered care.