Clinical Cadaver Program

Safe, realistic surgical simulation

Almost every discipline in medicine performs diagnostic or therapeutic procedures on patients. Clinical simulation plays a critical role in providing safe learning experiences and ultimately helps to improve patient outcomes.

Unfortunately, patient simulators are limited in function, and traditionally preserved cadavers have rigid, unrealistic tissue. When combined with the fact that clinical learning opportunities for certain invasive procedures may be limited, it can make it difficult to acquire the necessary skills to safely manage patients.

As a Dalhousie medical student, you will benefit from the Clinical Cadaver Program, which uses a new embalming technique to produce clinical grade cadavers (CGCs) that retain the natural compliance and texture of human tissues. This gives you the opportunity to practice your new procedural techniques on cadavers that look, feel and react in almost the same way as a live patient’s body—without the risk.

Become a better surgeon

When you participate in the Clinical Cadaver Program, you are protecting your future patients before you even graduate. Practicing your skills on a more realistic cadaver means that when you begin performing surgery on live patients, you’ll be fully prepared to offer the best possible care, no matter what happens in the operating room.

Contact us

For more information on the Clinical Cadaver Program, please contact the Human Donation Program Office at 902-494-6850 or, or Dr. George Kovacs at 902-473-2214 or