
Where we are today

On January 14, 2013, the Senate of Dalhousie University approved a request from the department to change our name from “Anatomy & Neurobiology” to “Medical Neuroscience.” Anatomy, while remaining an essential component of medical, dental and health professions training, was no longer considered a viable area of research focus.

The new name better reflects the scholarly activity and mission of the department, specifically research in molecular and cellular neuroscience with an emphasis on the identification, treatment and cure of diseases of the nervous system. Our commitment to teaching anatomy continues, through the delivery of several anatomy education programs.

Still growing

Currently, we have 14.6 full-time equivalent faculty members in the department, and 8 cross-appointees from several clinical departments within Dalhousie Medical School. We also have cross and adjunct appointments from other faculties within Dalhousie and from the University of PEI and Mount Saint Vincent University.

The department is the principal home for the Dennis Chair in Epilepsy Research and supports the activities of the DMRF Irene MacDonald Sobey Chair for Alzheimer’s Disease Research and the Canada Research Chair in Spinal Cord Circuits.

Our support staff complement includes 6.5 full-time employees and we are responsible for teaching approximately 2,000 undergraduate students, mainly from the Faculties of Medicine, Dentistry, Health Professions and Science, as well as approximately 110 master's students in the Faculty of Health Professions.

Annually we train two to three dozen graduate students and postdoctoral fellows many of whom hold external scholarships or fellowships. Our departmental faculty members attract about $2 million in external research funding annually.

Dr. Baldridge with students