Magnus McLeodMD, FRCPC

Assistant professor

Phone: 902-473-3246
Fax: 902-473-8430
Mailing Address: 
Division of General Internal Medicine
QEII - Bethune Building
Suite 406 Bethune Building
1276 South Park Street
Halifax, NS B3H 2Y9

Dr. McLeod is an assistant professor in the Division of General Internal Medicine. As a general internist he has an active clinical profile, frequently attending in the ED, MTU and IMCU where he works closely with our residents. He has a strong clinical & academic interest in Hepatology. Dr. McLeod has an undergraduate from the University of Victoria British Columbia, and MD from St. George's University School of Medicine in Grenada. He completed his Internal Medicine residency at Dalhousie, then joined the GIM division as faculty in 2015. As a recent graduate of our program he has quickly become a mentor to many of our residents and been an enthusiastic teacher.

Dr. McLeod held a 3 year term, 2017-2020, as the Associate Program Director for the Core Internal Medicine Residency Training Program to develop a new examination preparatory course to aid our first cohort of residents sitting the Royal College exam in PGY3 in 2019. He also assisted the education office and residency program committee with preparations for Competence by Design.

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