Evelyn Sutton, MD, FRCPC

Phone: 902-473-7040
Fax: 902-473-7019
Mailing Address:
QEII - Nova Scotia Rehabilitation Centre
Suite 245 NS Rehab Building
1341 Summer Street
Halifax, NS B3H 4K4
Dr. Evelyn Sutton is a professor of medicine, director of the Arthritis Centre of Nova Scotia and assistant dean of admissions at Dalhousie Medical School. Dr. Sutton has a special interest in medical education and has been the recipient of many teaching awards. She’s also an expert in scleroderma, an autoimmune disease that causes poor blood circulation and hardening of the skin.
Research interests
Dr. Sutton’s research expertise focuses on improving clinical outcomes of scleroderma. She is actively involved in numerous national and international research groups, including the Canadian Scleroderma Research Group. One of her recent studies investigated whether a combination of non-invasive tests can diagnose pulmonary arterial hypertension as effectively as cardiac catheterization.