Natalie RosenPhD

Professor; Obs/Gyn Research Director

Rosen headshot 2018

Related Information

Research website

Phone: (902) 494-4044
Fax: (902) 494-6585
Mailing Address: 
Dalhousie University
Life Sciences Centre
1355 Oxford Street
PO Box 15000
Halifax NS B3H 4R2
Research Topics:
  • Clinical psychology
  • Health psychology
  • Human sexuality
  • Pain
  • Intimate Relationships
  • Transition to parenthood


BA/BSc (Queen’s University)
PhD (McGill University)
Post-Doctoral (Université de Montréal)

Research Interests

My research focuses on understanding how individuals, and especially couples, cope with sexual problems or changes to their sexual relationship. The key contexts for my research are couples struggling with sexual dysfunction (e.g., genito-pelvic pain, low sexual desire) and who are undergoing a normative life experience—the transition to parenthood—which is typically linked to declines in sexual and relationship well-being. My work is interdisciplinary and the ultimate goal is to inform the development of better treatment options for affected women and couples.

Selected Publications

  • Rosen, N. O., Muise, M. A.*, Vannier, S. A., Chambers, C. T., Scott, H., & #postbabyhankypanky team. (2020). #postbabyhankypanky: An empirically-based knowledge sharing initiative. Archives of Sexual Behavior. doi: 10.1007/s10508-020-01734-7.
  • Rosen, N. O., Williams, L.*, Vannier, S. A.*  & Mackinnon, S. P. (2020). Sexual intimacy in first-time mothers: Associations with sexual and relationship satisfaction across three waves. Archives of Sexual Behavior.
  • Rossi, M.*, Maxwell, J. E., & Rosen, N. O. (2020). Biased partner perceptions of women’s pain self-efficacy for postpartum pain during intercourse: A longitudinal dyadic examination. The Journal of Pain.
  • Dawson, S. J.*, Vaillancourt-Morel, M.-P., Pierce, M., & Rosen, N. O. (2020). Biopsychosocial predictors of trajectories of postpartum sexual function in first-time mothers. Health Psychology. 10.1037/hea0000861
  • Raposo, S., Rosen, N. O., & Muise, A. (2019).  Self-expansion is associated with greater relationship and sexual well-being for couples coping with low sexual desire. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships.
  • Rosen, N. O. & Bergeron, S. (2019).  Genito-pelvic pain through a dyadic lens: Moving toward an Interpersonal Emotion Regulation Model of women’s sexual dysfunction. Annual Review of Sex Research (Journal of Sex Research).

Awards and Honours

  • Killam Prize, Faculty of Science, Dalhousie University (2019)
  • Fellow, College of New Scholars, Royal Society of Canada (2018-2025)
  • President’s Excellence Research Award, Emerging Investigator, Dalhousie University (2018)
  • Early Career Award, Canadian Pain Society (2018)
  • New Investigator Award, Health Psychology Section of the Canadian Psychological Association (2017)
  • Best Empirical Poster Award, Society for Sex Therapy and Research (2016)
  • New Investigator Award, Canadian Institutes of Health Research (2015-2020)     


PSYO 6204: Psychological Interventions: A lifespan perspective
PSYO 3225: Health Psychology
PSYO 4120: Topics in Clinical Psychology (Human Sexuality)