Internal Funding Opportunities

Internal funding is available to trainees and faculty with a primary appointment in the Dalhousie Department of Diagnostic Radiology.

David Fraser Radiology Research Foundation

The David Fraser Radiology Research Foundation (DFRRF) was founded with the general aim of providing seed money for new researchers and for more established researchers who are entering new areas of research. The Foundation supports a limited number of trainees who wish to be involved in research under the mentorship of a faculty member with a primary appointment in the Dalhousie Department of Diagnostic Radiology.

  • Intramural Grant (suspended)
  • Leverage Grant (suspended)
  • Summer Studentship Grant (see below for deadline)
    • Note: Applicants are required to apply for external matching salary funds.
    • Deadline to apply is 10 business days prior to the deadline for the external matching competition; this will allow the Research Office to obtain any required Departmental and/or Institutional signatures for the external application on behalf of the applicant.
    • Applicants are strongly encouraged to notify the Research Office of their intent to apply by January 6th.


QEII Clinical Research Fund

The QEII Clinical Research Fund is provided by QEII radiologists to: support clinical-scientific collaboration between QEII radiologists and BIOTIC scientists, promote investigator-driven clinical 0.5/3T MRI research, and to promote the application of advanced MRI techniques to patient care.

  • QEII 0.5/3T MRI Grant (suspended).