Focus Area 3: Health Systems Transformation

We will achieve this by:
1. Education in Health System Change:
Developing capabilities across the education continuum to leverage medical education and accelerate health system transformation.
Adapt curriculum in UGME and PGME to be responsive to emerging health care needs.
Engage and support undergraduate and postgraduate learners to identify health system gaps and bring system solutions to health system leadership using change management principles.
Develop new residency programs such as Public Health that address health care needs.
Ensure learners across the continuum have core curriculum in CQI and patient safety.
Create Continuing Professional Development activities that support CQI and patient safety curricula into practice.
Collaborate with health faculties and health authorities in curricular opportunities related to system change.
Grow opportunities for interprofessional education.
Contribute to health systems research to inform stakeholders of context-relevant transformation opportunities.
Train learners to carry out health systems research in support of systems change.
Create and evaluate innovative interprofessional practice and teaching models.