Our videos

Voices in global health

If a picture's worth a thousand words, we hope our videos are priceless. These videos provide helpful information about our programs and inspiration about ways to get involved in local and international global health activities. You can find the complete collection below or on Dalhousie’s YouTube channel.

2023 Dr. Tarunendu Ghose Visiting Scholar in Global Health


On Monday, October 30th, the Office of Community Partnerships and Global Health hosted the inaugural Dr. Tarunendu Ghose Visiting Scholar in Global Health. Dr. Andrea MacNeill, a leading expert in planetary health and sustainable healthcare systems, gave a talk entitled: “From Net Zero to Net Positive: The Practice of Planetary Healthcare”.

Global Health Post 2020


On November 5th, 2020, the Global Health Office in the Faculty of Medicine at Dalhousie University hosted a public panel with four experts in Global Health from across the globe to discuss moving toward more equitable health futures.

Social Accountability


Medical Schools have the obligation to direct their education, research and service activities towards addressing the priority health concerns of the community, region, and/or nation they have a mandate to serve. The priority health concerns are to be identified jointly by governments, health care organizations, health professionals and the public.” WHO, 1995

This video shares the experiences of leaders in social accountability demonstrating the real impact of engaging with communities to enhance medical education and improve health outcomes.

AFMC Charles Boelen International Social Accountability Award


The AFMC - Charles Boelen International Social Accountability Award was created in 2014. This AFMC award – named after Dr. Charles Boelen, a world leader in Social Accountability – aims to celebrate groups of people or organizations whose professional accomplishments are an example of the principles of social accountability implemented as defined in the Global Consensus for Social Accountability of Medical Schools and in internationally recognized references.

International Students


Life in Canada will almost certainly be different from what most international students are used to. Randy Aung (Class of 2014), Nirmal Randhawa and Alison Lopez (Class of 2013) share their experiences at Dalhousie University. Since 1996, Dalhousie University has partnered with the International Medical University (IMU) in Malaysia to provide medical students from IMU the opportunity to complete their degree at Dalhousie.

Global Village - Research


Dalhousie University's Global Health Office looks at Global Health Research in this documentary.

First Voices


Listen to Dalhousie students, residents and faculty engaged in global health opportunities. Filmed during Global Health Day 2009.