Learner Well Being

Student Affairs is a safe, non-judgmental space to provide guidance and navigation for your personal concerns and challenges and to support your efforts to stay well throughout your program. We can be your advocate and provide you with access to applicable resources. There are several areas of personal wellbeing, including:

  • academic
  • physical
  • mental
  • social
  • cultural
  • financial

We help learners with issues related to stress and anxiety, personal or family crises, short and long term leaves of absence and scheduling accommodations, all with a goal to enable you to be successful in medical school.  

Addressing problems early on allows us to minimize the impact on you and your ability to successfully complete your medical education. 

All discussions are kept strictly confidential and will not be shared without your expressed consent. 

Contact us early so we can provide you with the information, advice and access to appropriate resources.

Do you have concerns about your current learning environment? For confidential reporting and support please visit the Faculty of Medicine, Office of Professional Affairs website.