PhD Alumni




Where are they now?

Brown, Alexandra 2023 Langelaan, D. N.  
Hayden, Joshua 2023 Bearne, S. L.  
Jones, Spencer 2023 Kramer, J. M.  
Pisapati, Adithi 2023 Pulinilkunnil, T.  
Raun, Nicholas 2023 Kramer, J. M.  
Lu, Simiao (Michelle) 2022 Blouin, C. (Computer Science)  
Simmons, Jeffrey 2022 Rainey, J. K.  
Slade, Logan 2022 Pulinilkunnil, T.  
Sulekha, Anamika 2022 Rainey, J. K. PDF, Université de Montréal
Woblistin, Aaron 2022 Karten, B.  
Trivedi, Purvi 2021 Pulinilkunnil, T.  
Lee, Jonghwa (Kyle) 2020 Ridgway, N. D.  
Song, Qinyan (Andy) 2020 Liu, P. X.-Q. & Rainey, J. K. BioVectra, NS
Sultana, Saki 2020 van der Spoel, A. C.  
D'Souza, Kenneth 2019 Kienesberger, P. C.  
Muñoz-Gómez, Sergio 2019 Slamovits, C. H. Postdoc, Arizona State University
Holloway, Ryan 2018 Waisman, D. M. Postdoc, Dalhousie University
Khan, Iman 2018 Rosen, K. V.  
McCluskey, Greg 2018 Bearne, S. L. PDF, University of Ottawa
Pietrangelo, Antonietta 2018 Ridgway, N. D.  
Harding, Tommy 2017 Roger, A. J. PDF, Dalhousie (BIOC)
Shin, Kyungsoo 2017 Rainey, J. K. CIHR PDF, Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Institute
Attwood, Kathleen 2016 Dellaire, G. PDF, Dalhousie (MICI)
Hleap Lozano, Jose Sergio 2016 Blouin, C. PDF, McGill University
Lahsaee, Sara 2016 Dellaire, G.  
Leger, Michelle 2016 Roger, A. J. PDF, University of Barcelona, Spain
McQuaid, Mary 2016 Dobson, M. J. Université de Montréal
Pandey, Aditya 2016 Rainey, J. K. PDF, U. Toronto
Andrade, Rafaela 2015 Marignani, P. A. PDF, Dalhousie (Pharmacology)
Corkery, Dale 2015 Dellaire, G. Postdoctoral fellow (Max Planck Institute, Dortmund, German)
Dai, Xudong 2015 Liu, P. X.-Q.  
Nagar, Mitesh 2015 Bearne, S. L. PDF, University of Massachusetts Medical School
Parmar, Hirendrasinh 2015 Duncan, R. PhD program (Dal)
Stairs, Courtney 2015 Roger, A. J. PDF, Uppsala University, Sweden
Tremblay, Marie-Laurence 2015 Rainey, J. K. Manager, Research Ethics, Nova Scotia Health Authority
Gaspard, Gerard 2014 McMaster, C. R. PDF, Dalhousie (MICI)
Kennedy, Barry 2014 Karten, B. PDF, Dalhousie (MICI)
Martinez-Olivares, Gisela 2014 Ewart, K. V.  
Murphy, Peter 2014 Byers, D. M.  
Read, Jolene 2014 Rainey, J. K. Cell Therapy Research Technician, University Health Network, Toronto
Xu, Lingling 2014 Rainey, J. K. PDF, Rainey/Liu labs, Dalhousie
Ciechonska, Marta 2013 Duncan, R. PDF, Imperial College, London
Curtis, Bruce 2013 Archibald, J. M. PDF, Dalhousie (BIOC)
Fisher, Eric 2013 McLeod, R. S. CEO, LabFundr
Kai, Fui Boon 2013 Duncan, R. PDF, UCSF
Key, Tim 2013 Rainey, J. K. Manager, Technology & Venture Development, MaRS Innovation
Lin, Senzhu 2013 Liu, P. X.-Q.  
Moore, Christa 2013 Archibald, J. M.  
Gaston, Daniel 2012 Roger, A. J. Asst. Prof., Dalhousie (Pathology)
Kolisko, Martin 2012 Roger, A. J.  
Langelaan, David 2012 Rainey, J. K. Assistant Professor, Dalhousie (BIOC)
Pinder, Jordan 2012 Dobson, M. J. PDF, Dalhousie (Pathology). Photographer
Song, Huiling 2012 Liu, P. X.-Q.  
Surette, Alexi 2012 Waisman, D. M. Med School
Benjamin, Jeremy 2011 Singer, R. A.  
Gawryluk, Ryan 2011 Gray, M. W. PDF, University of Victoria
Phipps, Kyle 2011 Waisman, D. M. Med School
Reddy, Tyler 2011 Rainey, J. K. Staff Scientist, Los Alamos National Laboratory
LeBlanc, Marissa 2010 McMaster, C. R. Medical Student Dalhousie University
Lu, Haibin 2010 Blouin, C.  
Mitchell, Trish 2010 McLeod, R. S.  
O'Connell, Paul 2010 Waisman, D. M.  
Uribe, Elke 2010 Ewart, K. V. Entrepeneur, Certified Medical Translator
Wang, Yi 2010 Liu, P. X.-Q.  
Abdelmagid, Salma 2009 Too, C. K. L. Ottawa
Gehrig, Karsten 2009 Ridgway, N. D. Medical resident MUN
Koenig, Jeremy 2009 Doolittle, W. F. Founder & CEO, Athletigen
Leigh, Jessica 2009 Roger, A. J. Postdoc New Zealand
Ngo, Mike 2009 Ridgway, N. D.  
Sharma, Adrian 2009 Doolittle, W. F. Postdoc MIT
Volkmann, Gerrit 2009 Liu, P. X.-Q. Postdoc at WWU Münster, Germany
Zhang, Yi 2009 Waisman, D. M.  
Curwin, Amy 2008 McMaster, C. R. Top 20 20-Something
Khan, Hameed 2008 Archibald, J. M. Postdoctoral Fellow, Sick Kids Hospital, Toronto
Lunn, Faylene 2008 Bearne, S. L. Dal Law School
Nath-Sain, Suchita 2008 Marignani, P. A. India
Boudreau, Ellen 2007 Doolittle, W. F. Postdoc USA
Charette, J. Michael C. 2007 Gray, M. W. Assistant Professor, Brandon University
Fairn, Gregory D. 2007 McMaster, C. R. Asst Prof U. of Toronto
Gong, Huansheng 2007 Byers, D. M. NRC Institute for Marine Biosciences
Stevens, Jennifer 2007 Singer, R. A. Postdoctoral Fellow, Dalhousie University
Walsh, David 2007 Doolittle, W. F. Assistant Professor, Concordia University
Lapierre, Louis 2006 McLeod, R. S. Assistant Professor,Brown University
Lyons, Peter 2006 Ro, H.-S. Assistant Professor at the Andrews University
Majdalawieh, Amin 2006 Ro, H.-S. Associate Professor at the American University of Sharjah
Perry, Ryan 2006 Ridgway, N. D. Director of research programs AIHS
Shutt, Tim 2006 Gray, M. W. Assistant Professor, University of Calgary
Bullerwell, Charles E. 2005 Gray, M. W. Département des Sciences, Université Sainte-Anne
Flaman, Anathea 2005 Dobson, M. J. Ottawa
Howe, Alicia G. 2005 McMaster, C. R. Family Physician, Hfx
Taylor, Marcia 2005 McMaster, C. R.  
Boucher, Yan 2004 Doolittle, W. F. Associate Professor, University of Alberta
Lagace, Thomas 2004 Ridgway, N. D. Associate Professor, University of Ottawa
O'Donnell, Allyson 2004 Singer, R. A. Assistant Professor, Duquesne University
Dacks, Joel 2003 Doolittle, W. F. Associate Professor, University of Alberta
St.-Maurice, Martin 2003 Bearne, S. L. Associate Professor, Marquette University
Wyles, Jessica 2003 Ridgway, N. D. Highschool teacher, BC
Yu, Anan 2002 Cook, H. W.  
Archibald, John 2001 Doolittle, W. F. Professor, Dalhousie University
Blouin, Christian 2001 Wallace, C. J. A. Associate Professor, Dalhousie University
Henneberry, Annette 2001 McMaster, C. R. Head of Biology, DeNovMed, Hfx
Norman, John 2001 Gray, M. W. Gowlings, Ottawa
Sengupta, Arpita 2001 Dobson, M. J.  
Kim, Sungwoo 2000 Ro, H.-S. Asst Prof University of Calgary
Teh, Eve 2000 Dolphin, P. J.  
Fast, Naomi Marya 1999 Doolittle, W. F. UBC
Grandmaison, Paul 1999 Breckenridge, C. ViRexx Medical Corp. Edmonton, Alberta
Price, David 1999 Gray, M. W.  
Douglas, Donna N. 1998 Byers, D. M.  
Storey, Margo 1998 Ridgway, N. D.  
Wu, Hong 1998 Liu, P. X.-Q.  
Chisholm, Jeffrey Wayne 1997 Dolphin, P. J. Gilead Sciences Inc., Palo Alto, CA
Edgell, David Rohan 1997 Doolittle, W. F.  
Muise, Aleixo 1997 Ro, H.-S. Clinical Fellow, Hospital for Sick Children, U of T
Parrish, Jonathan 1997 Wallace, C. J. A. University of Alberta
Roger, Andrew 1997 Doolittle, W. F. Professor, Dalhousie University
Wang, Xiangmin 1997 Singer, R. A. Deceased
Keeling, Patrick 1996 Doolittle, W. F. UBC
Wang, Shenglong 1996 Liu, P. X.-Q.  
Glover, Kathleen 1995 Gray, M. W. Nova Scotia Agricultural College
Greenwood, Spencer J. 1994 Gray, M. W. University of Prince Edward Island
Ireland, Linda 1994 Singer, R. A.  
Kondejewski, Les 1994 Blair, A. H. Caprion Proteomics, Montreal
Shen, Zhiwei 1994 Byers, D. M.  
Craig, Doug 1993 Wallace, C. J. A. University of Winnipeg
Lonergan, Kimberley M. 1993 Gray, M. W. B.C. Cancer Research Center, Vancouver
Morris, Stephen 1993 Palmer, F. St. C.  
Skiadopoulos, Mario 1993 Faust, E. A.  
Collings, James Clark 1992 Gray, M. W. Physician, Hampton, NB
Murdoch, Susan Jane 1992 Breckenridge, C.  
Lam, Wan 1991 Doolittle, W. F. BC Cancer Institute
Schalkwyk, Leo 1991 Doolittle, W. F.  
Gupta, Sanjoy K. (Sean) 1990 Mezei, C. Ophthamologist
MacKay, Mairi 1990 Lazier, C. B.  
Joyce, Paul 1989 Gray, M. W. Concordia University, Montreal
Morash, Sherry Carroll 1989 Spence, M.  
Boer, Poppo 1988 Gray, M. W. Ottawa, Ontario
Charlebois, Robert Léo 1988 Doolittle, W. F. Prof - UOttawa
Seman, Leo 1988 Breckenridge, C. Physician, USA
LeBlanc, Andréa C. 1987 Mezei, C. McGill University (Neurol. & Neurosurg.)
Balu, C.J. 1985 Cook, H. W.  
Chakravarthy, Balu R. 1985 Cook, H. W.  
Douglas, Susan E. 1984 Doolittle, W. F. NRC Atlantic
Hare, Ester Rose 1984 Verpoorte, J.  
Schnare, Murray 1984 Gray, M. W. Queensland, Nova Scotia
Tam, S-P. 1984 Breckenridge, C.  
Uadia, Patrick 1984 Blair, A. H.  
Xu, Wen-Lian 1984 Doolittle, W. F.  
Elbrecht, Alex 1983 Lazier, C. B.  
Sapienza, Carmen 1982 Doolittle, W. F.  
Bonen, Linda 1981 Gray, M. W. University of Ottawa
MacKay, Ronald M. 1981 Doolittle, W. F.  
Pereira, Leo 1981 Dolphin, P. J. Physician, NS
Murphy, Mary G. 1978 Spence, M.  
Cunningham, R. Scott 1977 Gray, M. W. Coastal Adventures, Tangier, Nova Scotia
Shaikh, Nisar Ahmad 1977 Palmer, F. St. C.  
Hu, Yu-Wan 1976 Mezei, C.  
Oulton, Margaret 1975 Mezei, C.  
Poulis, Kyparissoula J. 1975 Outside Dept  
Rao, Barbara G. 1975 Spence, M.  
Cousins, Charman L. 1974 Patrick, S.  
Fraser, Ian Hugh 1974 Wainwright, S.  
Shirley, Margaret Anne 1974 Mezei, C.  
Audhya, Tapan Kumar 1973 Russell, D. W.  
Channon, Michael 1973 Verpoorte, J.  
Cook, Harold William 1973 Spence, M.  
Sidhu, Rameshwar S. 1973 Blair, A. H.  
Jansz, Errol R. 1972 Mclean, I.  
Shaikh, Zahir Ahmad 1972 Helleiner, C. W.  
Cohen, Annalee K. 1971 Helleiner, C. W.  
Hill, Aniko Mary 1971 Patrick, S.  
Macdonald, Ian A. 1971 Outside Dept  
Okotore, Rufus O. 1971 Russell, D. W.  
Tsay, Horng-Mou 1968 Wainwright, S.  
Sinclair, Nicholas R. 1965 McCarter, A. J.  
McFarlane, Ellen S. 1963 McCarter, A. J.  

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