Project Supervisor Information Kit
Thank you for agreeing to be a Resident Project Supervisor! We appreciate the time and effort it takes to fulfill this role and have provided some links/resources to help guide you.
As a Project Supervisor you will work with the Dalhousie Family Medicine Resident to assist with development and overarching completion of the resident’s scholarly activity through their resident project. You will help support and counsel residents on the content of their project (Resident Project Supervisor Job description). You will be supported by your local site Resident Project Coordinators.
Resident Project Guide (click and expand the Resident Projects section) is a thorough and complete description of all aspects related to resident projects. All residents have a copy of the Resident Project Guide, which is also found on Brightspace. All projects are required to adhere to the Resident Project Guide. As a Project Supervisor, you may want to familiarize yourself with the sections titled Project Types, Project Format, and Guide on How to Organize Resident Projects Based on Type.
You will be required to complete and submit three forms on one45 (Form II, III, IV). Your resident will provide you with the content for these forms. We have attached a document to summarize how the forms are facilitated (see Dalhousie Family Medicine Resident Project Forms I-IV (one 45 Tasks)).
Important Deadlines:
- 1st Tuesday in November of PGY1 year – Project Proposal (Form I) due
- 1st Tuesday in December of PGY1 year – Project Supervisor Agreement (Form II) due
- 1st Tuesday in September of PGY2 year – Resident Project Progress Report (Form III) due
- 1st Tuesday in January of PGY2 year – Project Draft/Final Approval (Form IV) due
- 2nd Monday in February PGY2 year – Completed Final Project Due
Projects are evaluated and marked by faculty reviewers. Nominees for project awards are chosen based on numerical grade, but can also be nominated by Project Supervisors or Project Coordinators if you feel the project was exceptional and should be considered.
Links to provincial REBs:
New Brunswick:
Horizon Health Network’s Research Ethics Board
Mount Allison University’s Research Ethics Board
Nova Scotia
Nova Scotia Health Authority’s Research Ethics Board
Dalhousie University’s Office of Research Services
Prince Edward Island
Health PEI’s Research Ethics Board
Please reach out to your local Project Coordinator, Medical Education Secretary, or Resident Project Chair) if you have any questions.
Many thanks again for taking part in Dalhousie Family Medicine Resident Projects!
For help and support in data management for projects requiring REB, please work with your local site Project Coordinator and site administrator.