
Download the forms here:

Please note: The forms that you are completing (donation and cremation) will note your intention to donate your remains; they do not guarantee acceptance of your remains. It is the decision of the Inspector of Anatomy at the time of death that will determine acceptance or refusal. It is recommended that you have an alternate arrangement for funeral that your designated next of kin or legal executor can follow if your remains are not accepted. We thank you for your intention to donate.

You and your designated next of kin will then need to complete both pages of the donation form to indicate your intention and consent to donate your body.

 Donation Form [PDF - 54 KB]


For Healthcare Providers in NS

Process for Human Body Donation to Dalhousie University [PDF - 192 KB]

For Healthcare Providers in PEI

Process for Human Body Donation to Dalhousie University [PDF - 192 KB]

For Healthcare Providers in NB

Process for Human Body Donation to Dalhousie University [PDF - 197 KB]