

Most graduate students in the Department will be supported to some extent by a stipend that FGS will refer to as a Dalhousie Graduate Scholarship. The funds for this stipend come from a variety of sources: supervisor grants, FGS and the Department. 

See the current stipend here.


Several government-funded scholarships are available for graduate students. The Department (using supervisor, FGS and Departmental funds) will top-up scholarship amounts to reach the standard stipend levels and, in the case of major government scholarships, that fund most of the stipend, the Department acknowledges the success of the student in obtaining such an award by providing an additional $2,000.

See more about funding opportunities here.

Other Funding Opportunities

FGS Travel Grant – FGS provides a travel grant of $500 to assist graduate students attend a conference related to their thesis research.

Molly Appeal Fund – students accepted into the Anatomy/Neursoscience program may be eligible for a Molly Appeal award.