Undergraduate Education

A key strength and focus

Division of General Internal Medicine members, as academic faculty, are extensively involved in teaching medical students in the Dalhousie MD Undergraduate Program.

Members are involved in:

  • teaching clinical skills in the Med 1 and 2 Skilled Clinician courses,
  • the third-year medicine academic half-day program,
  • the internal medicine clerkship rotations on the medical teaching unit (MTU), and
  • supervised electives at any stage in training.

General Internal Medicine (GIM) runs through the Dalhousie undergraduate curriculum, and students can take a GIM elective in Med 1 and Med 2.

These electives rotate through all GIM services including:

  • IMCU
  • MTU
  • Senior Internist / MTU-Emergency Department Service
  • GIM Consult Service
  • GIM Clinics

Rotations with general internists during the internal medicine clerkship block occur during the MTU and MTU-ED rotations. Clerkship electives can occur in any of the GIM services or in the various community hospitals across Nova Scotia.

Essential skills for effective communication

Communication skills training is an important component of the GIM curriculum for undergraduates. Division faculty are highly skilled in this area, and undergraduates will learn how effective communication skills can improve the patient’s experience and health outcomes.

Learn more about how to apply to Dalhousie Medical School.