Social Policy & Advocacy

Director: Dr. Keri-Leigh Cassidy

Social Policy & Advocacy was included as a priority in the Department of Psychiatry’s 2020-2025 Strategic Plan [PDF - 15 MB]. To support this work, we established a Social Policy & Advocacy Committee. The committee develops and implements a social policy & advocacy strategy to achieve the goal of well informed and inclusive health services planning and policy development. Its membership includes representatives from different department groups and committees, including Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (EDIA) and Wellness, as well as community partner organizations, and lived experience representatives. 

As a new pillar in the Department of Psychiatry’s strategic plan, Social Policy & Advocacy encompasses both external and internal areas of focus including EDIA and Wellness. EDIA and Wellness initiatives are led by separate directors and committees.

Internal funding opportunity

Social Policy & Advocacy funding is available to all members of department including psychiatry residents, fellows, AFP physicians, graduate students, research faculty, and administrative staff in the Department of Psychiatry. Cross Appointed and Adjunct Faculty are also eligible.

How to apply
Applicants must complete and submit an Expression of Interest Form, detailing how the initiative meets specific criteria, and a proposed budget. The Social Policy & Advocacy Fund Sub-Committee will review all expressions of interest. The Social Policy & Advocacy Committee will provide a recommendation to the department head for final decision.

Contact for application information.