Ash WileyMD, FRCPC

Assistant Professor, Nuclear Medicine Program Director


Fax: 902-425-0859
Mailing Address: 
QEII Health Sciences Centre, Halifax Infirmary Hospital 1796 Summer Street Diagnostic Imaging, 3rd Floor, Room 3368, Halifax, NS B3H 3A7
Research Topics:
  • Nuclear Medicine
  • QEII
  • Abdominal Imaging


  • Residency – Nuclear Medicine, University of British Columbia
  • Residency – Diagnostic Imaging, Dalhousie University
  • Undergraduate Medicine – Medical Doctor, Dalhousie University
  • Bachelor of Science, Honours in Biochemistry, University of New Brunswick


Dr. Ash Wiley is the Residency Program Director for Nuclear Medicine. He is Assistant Professor at Dalhousie University and practices Nuclear Medicine at the QEII Hospitals. He is currently on the Board of the Nova Scotia Association of Radiologists as the Chair of the Atlantic Radiology Conference.