Jennifer Payne, MSc, PhD
Associate Professor; Associate Head - Research

- Publications on Google Scholar
- Breast Imaging
- Health Services Utilization
- PDF, Institute for Work & Health
- PhD, Epidemiology, University of Toronto
- MSc, Community Health & Epidemiology, Queen’s University
- BSc, Chemistry, Queen’s University
Dr. Payne started out her career in work-related health and since moving to NS, has worked in chronic disease and cancer screening surveillance. She currently splits her time between Dalhousie and the Nova Scotia Breast Screening Program where she supports surveillance and policy initiatives. Her research interests range from population health to health services research in breast imaging, with a particular focus on the use of large databases. Her work involves a large component of research transfer and communication with external stakeholders. As Associate Head – Research, Dr. Jennifer Payne is responsible for research education of residents and fellows and oversees supports to researchers in the department.