Volunteer Opportunities

Get involved!

Would you like to take part in the important process of interviewing applicants for Dalhousie medical school? At Dalhousie Medical School, we use the Multi-Mini-Interview (MMI) format as part of our assessment of applicants, and you can help us.

How it works

During the MMI, medical school applicants rotate through a number of different stations, each with a different scenario and interviewer. This provides an opportunity for the applicant to demonstrate skills like communication, critical thinking and problem solving. It also allows them to share how their life experiences have directed and prepared them for the field of medicine.

How to be an interviewer

We have a lot of applicants, so we need a lot of interviewers. No previous experience is necessary. Interviewers are required to attend a mandatory workshop for training on the process and what their specific responsibilities will be.

To maintain fairness, interviewers are required to:

  • disclose any potential conflict of interest prior to participating.  For example, a conflict of interest would be if you have a relative or friend applying or intending to apply to Dalhousie Medical School.
  • confirm yoiu are not planning to apply to Dalhousie Medical School in the near future.

Interested in taking part in the interview process?

Let us know by contacting Carolyn Doyle, Admissions Administrator at carolyn.doyle@dal.ca  We'll be looking for interviewers to be available during the MMI weekend each year.