Career Planning Program

We are here to support and guide as you find the path right for you!

There are many different career options in the field of medicine. The team at Student Affairs is here to help you discover and evaluate the many career options available to you. The career planning process is divided into a four-stage program to guide you throughout your four years of study.

Career Planning Program

From Pre-Clerkship to Clerkship, we will provide you with opportunities to:

  1. Understand yourself
    This is the foundation for making the most fulfilling choice. We help you begin to consider whether or not you wish practice in a rural or urban setting, hospital or community-based clinic, work with a particular group of patient populations and/or teach or conduct research among many other considerations.
  2. Explore your options
    Through annual class events, regular small-group discussions, one-on-one consultations, and online resources and guides, we will help you navigate the many options available within the practice of medicine.  Opportunities will be available to meet and talk with specialists, generalists and residents and gain knowledge from the lived experiences within your areas of interest.

  3. Choosing a specialty
    As you narrow down your areas of interest the Student Affairs team will provide you guidance and support to become more focused on your career choice. Resources for elective planning, resident profiles, CaRMs program descriptions and career profiles will be introduced to you for this very important decision.  You can learn more about your options from CaRMs

  4. Getting into residency
    We help you navigate and prepare for the CaRMS matching process.  The Student Affairs team offer CV & personal letter editing and review.  In addition, there will be panel discussions, practice interviews, parallel plan discussions and individual meetings. Contact us to discuss resources, your program choices or any other questions you may have with respect to CaRMs and the process.

Contact us to set a meeting to discuss your career options!

Med 1 Career Planning Sheet [PDF]