Andrew Jarvie, MB ChB FRCA
Assistant Professor

Phone: 902-473-2331
Academic Interests
- Acute Pain Management
- Regional Anaesthesia
- Medical Education
- Ambulatory Anaesthesia
Administrative Roles
- Associate Postgraduate Program Director
- Chair, Residency Competence Committee
- MB ChB- University of Glasgow 1991
- FRCA- Royal College of Anaesthetists, UK 1999
- Clinical Research Fellowship- Golden Jubilee National Hospital/University of Glasgow 2002
Dr Jarvie graduated from the University of Glasgow Medical School in 1991 and after junior posts in Spinal Injuries, Neonatal & General Paediatrics and Emergency Medicine began anaesthesia training in 1994 at University Hospital Monklands, Airdrie, Scotland. Completed Higher Specialist Training from the West of Scotland School of Anaesthesia, based at Glasgow Royal Infirmary, in 2005. Seeking new challenges he moved to Halifax in 2005 for a 2 year locum and finding a niche in Regional Anaesthesia as an inaugural member of the Halifax Infirmary Block Room has stayed on as permanent staff.
Research interests
- Acute Pain Management
- Regional Anaesthesia
- Ambulatory Anaesthesia
- Medical Education
Selected publications
- Jarvie A, Kang H, Kenny GNC, Ridgeway TJ, Scott NB, Sutcliffe N, Watson MW. Effects of thoracic epidural anaesthesia on propofol requirements during cardiac surgery assessed using closed loop control of anaesthesia. [Poster] European Society of Regional Anaesthesia and Pain Medicine, Great Britain & Ireland section, An (Droitwich, England) - April ESRA Annual Congress 2004), August 2004.
- Watson M, Jarvie A. A comparison of the cardiovascular stability of racemic bupivacaine, levobupivacaine and ropivacaine for thoracic epidural anaesthesia for cardiac surgery. [Poster] Euroanaesthesia 2004 in Lisbon, January 2004.
- Coady Peter, Brousseau Ellen, Jarvie A, Chisholm J, Milne AD. Anesthesia Residents Perspective on Airway and Crisis Resource Management Issues During Code Blue Events. [Poster] Department of Anesthesia Research Day (Dalhousie University.), April 2012.
Selected presentations
- A Tale of two Cities: The challenges of managing major trauma in a developing country (2017) - Blood matters 2017 - Halifax, NS [Plenary]
Selected awards and honours
- 2017: Certificate of Appreciation for ITAR completion - Dalhousie University dept of Anaesthesia, Perioperative Medicine & Pain Management
- 2018: Undergraduate Teaching Award - Dalhousie University dept of Anaesthesia, Perioperative Medicine & Pain Management
- 2020: Associate Dean Letter - Dalhousie University, UGME, Top 10% undergraduate teachers
- Staff Anesthesiologist, Central Zone, Nova Scotia Health
- Assistant Professor, Dalhousie University Dept of Anaesthesia, Perioperative Medicine & Pain Management
- CBL tutor, Med 1 & 2 Dalhousie UGME
- PIER preceptor, Dalhousie UGME
- OSCE examiner, Dalhousie UGME
- Med 1,2,3 & 4 Elective preceptor, Dalhousie UGME
- Geriatric Anaesthesia Tutorial facilitator, Dalhousie Anesthesia Residency Program
- Resident Teacher, Dalhousie Anaesthesia Residency Program
Other service & activity
- Broken Earth, Haiti. 2013,2015 & 2016.